This repository was archived by the owner on Nov 17, 2023. It is now read-only.
0.5.0 - DSF Upgrade
General remarks:
- Upgrade to the HiGHmed Data Sharing Framework version 0.5.0.
- Upgrade of Maven dependencies.
- Source code formatting and Java import sort plugins added to Maven build.
Process exclude config:
- MeDIC:
- TTP:
Processes released in the binary assets and GitHub Packages Maven Registry:
Add jars to /opt/bpe/process
and make sure they can be read by the bpe Linux-user, restart/start bpe.
- feasibility: dsf-bpe-process-feasibility-0.5.0.jar
- local-services: dsf-bpe-process-local-services-0.5.0.jar
- ping: dsf-bpe-process-ping-0.5.0.jar
- update-allow-list: dsf-bpe-process-update-allow-list-0.5.0.jar
- update-resources: dsf-bpe-process-update-resources-0.5.0.jar
Issues closed: