Koa 2 and GraphQL server that just works™. We've climbed the mountain of boilerplate for you, so you don't have to.
- koa2 - write stuff in middleware
- babel - use latest ES6/7 features today. why wait?
- passport.js - easy authentication
- knex.js - documentation is better than sequelize
- GraphQL - it's the way to go
- Jest - don't let tests get in your way
- ramda - please don't use lodash or underscore
- prettier - don't worry about formatting…
- flowtype - get your types right
Make sure you have Docker installed as PostgreSQL is run on the docker container.
git clone -o k2 -b master --single-branch https://github.com/hongymagic/k2.git example-api
cd example-api # Change current directory to the newly created one
yarn install # Install required packages via yarn
cp .env.sample .env # Configuration on development mode is done via dotenv
yarn migrate:latest # Run database migrations
yarn seed:run # Add some seed data
yarn start:dev # Start the server in development mode
By default the API server starts on port 5000, http://localhost:5000.
┌── .env.sample # Sample .env file loaded into process.env
├── docker-compose.yml # Auxiliary services such as postgresql via docker
├── knexfile.js # Configuration for knex.js
├── migrations/ # Database migrations. See below for more info
├── seeds/ # Database seeds. See below for more info
├── tests/ # Integration tests using supertest
├── sqlite3/ # SQLite3 database location
└── src/
├── db.js # DB instance used by the app and/or models
├── models/ # ORM models written in ES6 classes
├── middleware/ # Custom middleware to be used by modules
├── modules/ # Route-Controller pair for koa2
│ ├── auth/ # Sample /authenticate module
│ ├── graphql/ # GraphQL
│ └── index.js # Don't touch this
├── passport.js # Passport.js configuration using passport-local
├── DataLoader.js # Data fetching layer for GraphQL
├── schema.js # GraphQL schema
└── types/ # GraphQL types
K2 uses Facebook Jest so you can add a
directory named __tests__
at any level and start writing tests.
Root level tests
directory is reserved for integration tests using supertest.
Currently requires you to run the database server via docker-compose: see above.
yarn test # Run all tests including unit and integration tests
yarn test:unit # Only run unit tests inside src/ directory
yarn test:integration # Only run integration tests inside tests/ directory
yarn test:coverage # Generate coverage report. Also travis default
This is a standard Node.js version 8.0+ application. You can deploy it to anywhere you like including, but not limited to:
- now.sh
- AWS Elastic Beanstalk
- Pretty much anything that runs docker or Node.js
Deploying to now is super simple if you're using SQLite3 (default). Just run:
Simply create a version of AWS EB with Node version 8.0.1 and deploy. I
personally have travis CI deploy it via a eb
- TODO: Sample
- Database is already configured to prefer
connection information