Pterodactyl v1 API Client
Add the dependency to your
:dependencies: pterodactyl_panel_client: github: hostari/pterodactyl_panel_client
shards install
require "pterodactyl_panel_client"
Build a new Pterodactyl Panel Client
client_sdk ="", client_token: "ptlc_...")
application_sdk ="", application_token: "ptla_...")
API Reference is available on Dashflo
These methods are scoped to the user accessing them (i.e. if you query for servers, you will only see your servers and not other's servers). You must authenticate using a token starting with ptlc_
and this is generated when you create a user using the application resource method.
- list servers
- account => get account details
- account => update email
- network => list allocations
- network => assign allocation
- network => set allocation note
- network => set primary allocation
- network => unassign allocation
- backups => list backups
- backups => create backup
- backups => backup detaials
- backups => download backup
- backups => delete backup
- settings => rename server
- settings => reinstall server
- startup
- list variables
- update variable
- get server details
- get console details
- get resource usage
- send command
- change power state
To use these methods, you must authenticate using a token starting with ptla_
which can be generated if you are an Admin on your Pterodactyl panel.
Create user
client.create_user(email: "", username: "apiuser", first_name: "api", last_name: "user")
List locations
Get Location details
List servers
Get server details
Update server details
client.update_server_details(5, name: "name of the server", user: 1, external_id: "external id of the server", description: "description of the server")
Update build
client.update_server_build(5, allocation: 1, memory: 512, swap: 0, disk: 200, io: 500, cpu: 0, threads: nil, feature_limits: {"databases" => 5, "allocations" => 5, "backups" => 2})
Update startup
client.update_server_startup(5, startup: "java -Xms128M -Xmx{{SERVER_MEMORY}}M -jar {{SERVER_JARFILE}}", environment: {
"SERVER_JARFILE": "server.jar",
}, egg: 5, image: "", skip_scripts: false)
Create server
create_server_request =
name: "Building",
user: 1,
egg: 1,
docker_image: "",
startup: "java -Xms128M -Xmx128M -jar server.jar",
environment: {
"BUNGEE_VERSION" => "latest",
"SERVER_JARFILE" => "server.jar"
limits: {
"memory": 128,
"swap": 0,
"disk": 512,
"io": 500,
"cpu": 100
feature_limits: {
"databases": 5,
"backups": 1
allocation: {
"default": 17
Suspend server
Reinstall server
Delete server
client.delete_server(5) # defaults to force: false
client.delete_server(5, force: true)
List nests
Get nest details
List eggs - Retrieves a list of eggs given a nest id
Get egg - Get egg details given an egg id and nest id
client.get_egg(1, nest_id: 1)
TODO: Write development instructions here
- Fork it (
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create a new Pull Request
- Xavi Ablaza - creator and maintainer