A repository containing sample worlds to run in the gazebo simulation.
Available worlds:
- Empty world with attached plugins necessary for the proper operation of our robots,husarion_office.sdf
- World resembling the office we work in,husarion_world.sdf
- World representing our logo.
mkdir -p ~/ros2_ws
cd ~/ros2_ws
git clone https://github.com/husarion/husarion_gz_worlds.git src/husarion_gz_worlds
colcon build
source install/setup.bash
ros2 launch husarion_gz_worlds gz_sim.launch.py
Launch arguments:
gz_gui | Run simulation with specific GUI layout | husarion_gz_worlds/ config/teleop.config |
gz_headless_mode | Run the simulation in headless mode. Useful when a GUI is not needed or to reduce the amount of calculations | False |
gz_log_level | Adjust the level of console output | 1 |
gz_world | Absolute path to SDF world file | husarion_gz_worlds/ worlds/husarion_world.sdf |