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ROS 2 package for Panther/Lynx docking and navigation with Nav2


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A collection of packages containing autonomous functionalities for Husarion UGV vehicles.


🛠️ Setup Repository

Create Workspace

mkdir ~/husarion_ws
cd ~/husarion_ws
git clone src/husarion_ugv_autonomy_ros


vcs import src < src/husarion_ugv_autonomy_ros/husarion_ugv_autonomy/docking_deps.repos

sudo rosdep init
rosdep update --rosdistro $ROS_DISTRO
rosdep install --from-paths src -y -i

source /opt/ros/$ROS_DISTRO/setup.bash
colcon build --symlink-install --packages-up-to husarion_ugv_autonomy --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF

🚀 Demo

📋 Requirements

  1. Just To simplify the execution of this project, we are utilizing just. Install it with:

    curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sudo bash -s -- --to /usr/bin
  2. Robot Configuration


The provided example is configured for the Husarion UGV platforms and supports any LIDAR that publishes PointCloud2 or LaserScan and any camera that publishes Image and CameraInfo data types by setting the appropriate environment variable. Before running the navigation demo, ensure the following:

  • This demo should be run on User Computer with IP address:
  • A LIDAR publishes messages of type: PointCloud2 or LaserScan.
  • A camera publishes messages of type: Image and CameraInfo.
  • A static transformation between a LIDAR, a Camera and a robot frame is provided. The value of the frame_id field inside the published messages must connect to the robot's base_link.

🧭 Navigation

Step 1: Environment configuration

Download this repository:

git clone

Setup environment:

cd husarion_ugv_autonomy_ros
export OBSERVATION_TOPIC={point_cloud_topic} # absolute topic name to match your LIDAR pointcloud2 topic (e.g. /scan)
export OBSERVATION_TOPIC_TYPE={msg_type} # Specify: `laserscan`, `pointcloud`
export CAMERA_IMAGE_TOPIC={camera_image_topic} # absolute topic name to match your camera image topic (e. g. /camera/color/image_raw)
export CAMERA_INFO_TOPIC={camera_info_topic} # absolute topic name to match your camera info topic (e. g. /camera/camera_info)
export SLAM=True # if you have a map you can run navigation without SLAM


Additional arguments are detailed in the Launch Arguments section.

Step 2: Run navigation

Run navigation on the physical robot:

just start-hardware

Run navigation in Gazebo simulation:

just start-simulation

Step 3: Control the robot from a Web Browser

  1. Install and run husarion-webui

    just start-visualization
  2. Open the your browser on your laptop and navigate to:

    • http://{ip_address}:8080/ui (devices in the same LAN)
    • http://{hostname}:8080/ui (devices in the same Husarnet Network)

⚓ Docking

Step 1: Locate docks

Once you have mapped an area, locate your charging docks on map and select their poses in the configuration file. You can use RViz or Foxglove.

In the example below for dock named main the position is pose: [1.0, 1.20, 1.57].

        pose: [1.0, 1.20, 1.57] # [x, y, yaw] of the dock on the map. Used also for spawning dock in the simulation.

Step 2: Run Docking

just start-docking

Step 3: Dock the robot

just dock main

Step 4: Undock the robot

just undock


Launch Arguments

Argument Description
Type: Default
autostart Automatically startup the nav2 stack.
bool: True
log_level Logging level.
string info (choices: debug, info, warning, error, custom)
map Path to map yaml file to load.
string: /maps/map.yaml
namespace Add namespace to all launched nodes.
string: env(ROBOT_NAMESPACE)
observation_topic Topic name for LaserScan or PointCloud2 observation messages type.
observation_topic_type Observation topic type.
string: pointcloud (choices: laserscan, pointcloud)
params_file Path to the parameters file to use for all nav2 related nodes.
string: `nav2_params.yaml
pc2ls_params_file Path to the parameters file to use for pointcloud_to_laserscan node.
string: `pc2ls_params.yaml
slam Whether run a SLAM.
bool: False
use_composition Whether to use composed bringup.
bool: True
use_respawn Whether to respawn if a node crashes. Applied when composition is disabled.
bool: False
use_sim_time Use simulation (Gazebo) clock if true.
bool: False


ROS 2 package for Panther/Lynx docking and navigation with Nav2







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