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Husarnet optimized DDS Router Docker image for connecting ROS 2 nodes over the Internet.


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Build a Docker Image

The husarnet/ros2router Docker image is designed to effortlessly bridge local ROS 2 nodes, even those with standard DDS settings, to nodes on different machines across various networks. It runs seamlessly with the Husarnet VPN, ensuring that neither distance nor network differences become obstacles in your ROS 2 projects.

Compatible with both natively-executed ROS 2 nodes and those operating within Docker.

Based on DDS Router project by eProsima.

How it works?

  1. Run ROS 2 Nodes on Two Machines:

    Whether they're in the same LAN or different ones, execute the following on your first machine:

    ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp listener 

    And on your second machine:

    ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp talker
  2. Husarnet Account Setup

  • Register for a free account on
  • Establish a new Husarnet network in the Online Dashboard.
  • Click the [Add element] button and copy the code under the Join Code tab.
  1. Connect Devices to Husarnet:

    If you're on Ubuntu, follow these steps:

    • Install Husarnet:
    curl | sudo bash
    • Connect to the Husarnet network:
    sudo husarnet join <paste-join-code-here>
  2. Start the DDS Router Docker Image:

    Launch the following command on each host:

    docker run \
    --detach \
    --restart=unless-stopped \
    --network host \
  3. Verify Connection:

    Open the terminal for the listener. You should start seeing incoming messages.

This guide provides a straightforward setup. Dive deeper and explore additional options and examples in the sections below.

General Example

The all-in-one example, that should be fine in most cases (both with ROS 2 nodes running on host and in Docker containers) is in the demo/auto/general directory.

    image: husarnet/ros2router:1.8.0
    network_mode: host
    ipc: shareable
      - ./filter.yaml:/filter.yaml
      - PARTICIPANTS=husarnet,shm
      - |
          version: v4.0
            discovery-trigger: writer
            - name: LocalParticipant
              kind: local
              domain: 0
              transport: builtin
      - ROS_DOMAIN_ID=123

    image: husarion/ros2-demo-nodes:humble
    ipc: service:ros2router
    network_mode: service:ros2router
      - ./shm-only.xml:/shm-only.xml
      - ROS_DOMAIN_ID=123
    command: ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp talker

# On the same host to connect to LocalParticipant, just execute:
# ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp talker

# On the other host, to listen to /chatter topic:
# Option 1: ROS 2 Iron (assuming "laptop" is the husarnet hostname of the host running ros2router):
# export ROS_DISCOVERY_SERVER=;;laptop:8888
# ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp listener
# Option 2: ROS 2 Humble:
# Modify superclient.xml to point to the host with ros2router (line 31)
# export FASTRTPS_DEFAULT_PROFILES_FILE=${PWD}/superclient.xml
# ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp listener

Environment Variables

Husarnet VPN related

env default value description
PARTICIPANTS husarnet,shm,lo The coma separated list of paticipants in the ROS 2 Router configuration. Possible values are: husarnet, shm, lo, lan, if-<if-name-optional-wildcard>. If unset of empty you need to use a custom DDS router configuration file
ROS_DISCOVERY_SERVER If set the HusarnetParticipant will work in the Disocovery Server setup. Set it to one of the following formats: <husarnet-ipv6-addr>:<discovery-server-port> or <husarnet-hostname>:<discovery-server-port> to connect as the Client to the device acting as a Discovery Server. To specify multiple addresses, use semicolons as separators. The server's ID is determined by its position in the list (starting from 0). If there's an empty space between semicolons, it indicates that the respective ID is available. Eg. ROS_DISCOVERY_SERVER=";;abc:123;;;def:456" means that the ID of abc:123 is 2 and ID of def is 5. If one of the addresses is the same as the hosts Husarnet IPv6 address, then the Discovery Server - Server config is launch on the host.
DISCOVERY_SERVER_ID -1 The ID of the local Discovery Server. If the server config is launched (one of the addresses specified in ROS_DISCOVERY_SERVER is the same as host's Husarnet address), the value of DISCOVERY_SERVER_ID env is ignored and the ID from ROS_DISCOVERY_SERVER env is used. If the value is outside of the 0-255 range, then the random value (from 10-255 range) is used instead
ROS_DOMAIN_ID If set it changes the default domain: 0 for all participants with kind: local (basically all instead of HusarnetParticipant working in the Discovery Server config)
EXIT_IF_HOST_TABLE_CHANGED FALSE Valid only if ROS_DISCOVERY_SERVER envs is unset and thus starting the Initial Peers config. This env is useful in connection with restart: always Docker policy - it restarts the DDS Router with a new Initial Peers list applied (the Initial Peers list is not updated by the DDS Router in runtime)
USER root Allowing you to run the DDS Router as a different user (useful to enable SHM communication between host and Docker container)
HUSARNET_API_HOST The IPv4 address where Husarnet Daemon is running (If using a different address than remember also to run the Husarnet Daemon with a HUSARNET_DAEMON_API_INTERFACE env setup )
CONFIG_BASE providing some optional, extra config to the ROS 2 Router
FILTER It's alternative to providing /filter.yaml as a volume

Topic Filtering

The Docker image for the Husarnet ROS 2 Router can accept a portion of the typical ROS 2 Router configuration *.yaml file. This segment only includes the allowlist, blocklist, and builtin-topics sections. The provided configuration is then integrated with the automatically generated config file content.

Here's a sample of the filter.yaml file:

Example of the filter.yaml file:

  - name: "rt/camera/color/image_raw/theora"
    type: "theora_image_transport::msg::dds_::Packet_"
  - name: "rt/camera/color/image_raw/compressed"
    type: "sensor_msgs::msg::dds_::CompressedImage_"
  - name: "rt/cmd_vel"
    type: "geometry_msgs::msg::dds_::Twist_"
blocklist: []
builtin-topics: []

Note that each ROS 2 topic name is preceded with rX/ prefix (more here):

ROS Subsystem Prefix
ROS Topics rt
ROS Service Request rq
ROS Service Response rr
ROS Service rs
ROS Parameter rp
ROS Action ra

The repository includes the script, which facilitates the automated creation of DDS Router filter rules:

curl -s >
chmod +x
./ /chatter /cmd_vel > filter.yaml

Modify the filter.yaml file if needed and assign it as a bind mount volume:

docker run \
--detach \
--restart=unless-stopped \
--network host \
-v $(pwd)/filter.yaml:/filter.yaml \

Quick Start

Option 1: Initial Peers config

  1. Connect both hosts to the same Husarnet network (eg. named host_a and host_b).

  2. On both host_a and host_b execute:

docker run \
--detach \
--restart=unless-stopped \
--network host \
  1. Start a chatter demo:
  • on the host_a:
export ROS_LOCALHOST_ONLY=1 # is required to connect with a LocalUdpParticipant
ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp talker
  • on the host_b:
export ROS_LOCALHOST_ONLY=1 # is required to connect with a LocalUdpParticipant
ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp listener

Option 2: Discovery Server config

  1. Connect both hosts to the same Husarnet network (eg. named host_a and host_b).

  2. Execute on host_a:

docker run \
--detach \
--restart=unless-stopped \
--network host \
  1. Execute on host_b:
docker run \
--detach \
--restart=unless-stopped \
--network host \
-e ROS_DISCOVERY_SERVER="host_a:11888" \
  1. Start a chatter demo:
  • on the host_a:
export ROS_LOCALHOST_ONLY=1 # is required to connect with a LocalUdpParticipant
ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp talker
  • on the host_b:
export ROS_LOCALHOST_ONLY=1 # is required to connect with a LocalUdpParticipant
ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp listener

Option 3: custom config

  1. Connect both hosts to the same Husarnet network (eg. named host_a and host_b).

  2. Create a DDS Router config file on the host_a:

user@host_a:~$ vim config.yaml

with the following content:

version: v3.0

  - name: "rt/chatter"
    type: "std_msgs::msg::dds_::String_"


  - name: SimpleParticipant
    kind: local
    domain: 0

  - name: ServerDSParticipant
    kind: local-discovery-server
      id: 200
      - domain: host_a
        port: 11811
        transport: udp
  1. Create a DDS Router config file on the host_b:
user@host_b:~$ vim config.yaml

with the following content:

version: v3.0

  - name: "rt/chatter"
    type: "std_msgs::msg::dds_::String_"


  - name: SimpleParticipant
    kind: local
    domain: 0

  - name: ClientDSParticipant
    kind: local-discovery-server
      id: 202
      - discovery-server-guid:
          id: 200
          - domain: host_a 
            port: 11811
            transport: udp
  1. On both host_a and host_b execute (in the same folder as config.yaml file):
docker run --name ros2router \
  --restart=unless-stopped \
  --network host \
  --ipc host \
  --user $(id -u):$(id -g) \
  -v $(pwd)/config.yaml:/config.yaml \
  -v /etc/group:/etc/group:ro \
  -v /etc/passwd:/etc/passwd:ro \
  -v /etc/shadow:/etc/shadow:ro \
  husarnet/ros2router:1.2.0 bash -c "ddsrouter -c /config.yaml -r 10"
  1. Start a chatter demo:
  • on the host_a:
export ROS_DOMAIN_ID=0
ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp talker
  • on the host_b:
export ROS_DOMAIN_ID=0
ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp listener


Husarnet optimized DDS Router Docker image for connecting ROS 2 nodes over the Internet.





