Pentest environment scaffolding. Supporting role in Kali Linux.
cd ~
git clone
~/x/c pull
For further deployment instructions, refer to SETUP#post-installation. Tested in Kali 2 (Rolling).
To pull updates from repository:
~/x/c pull
To fetch newest upstream versions of all projects in repository:
~/x/c update
To see newest updates (general, package, file diff):
~/x/c updated
~/x/c updated p/discover
~/x/c updated p/discover notes/burp.txt
├─── b/ - binary installations
├─ d/ - downloads*
├─── e/ - extras
├─ h/ - host files*
├─ n/ - notes*
├─── p/ - pentest tools
├─ r/ - research*
└─── t/ - tests
b/eclipse - Eclipse IDE
b/endec - Encrypt / Decrypt using aes-256-cbc
b/firefox - Firefox (aside to Iceweasel, with -no-remote switch)
b/jdk - Oracle Java Development Kit
b/jre - Oracle Java Runtime
b/soap-ui - SOAP-based API testing
b/sqldeveloper - Oracle SQL Developer
b/ve - Python 2,3, NodeJS virtualenvs rapid setup and use
e/misc - miscellaneous tools (trival fuzzer, tcp xor proxy)
e/msf - msfconsole handler templates
e/releases/foolav - AV bypass
e/releases/LaZagne - passwords gathering (outlook, browsers, winscp, ftp...)
e/rtl8188eu - Hostapd configs (rtl8188eu and original)
e/webshells/webshell.war - .war webshell
p/blns - The Big List of Naughty Strings
p/bsql-injector - Blind-SQL server responses retrieval / data extraction
p/burp - Burp pro, Burp free, addons and unofficial plugins
p/ciphr - Data transposition, encryption, decryption, hashing etc
p/clusterd - Jboss / Tomcat / WebLogic / Axis2 / Glassfish / ColdFusion toolkit
p/discover - Pentest supporting tools and notes
p/empire - Powershell attack framework
p/eyewitness - Take screens of websites, check header info and default creds
p/fuzzdb - Fuzzing database (still in active development)
p/get-docroots - LFI discovery helper script
p/gwt-toolset - GWT application testing support
p/heartbleed - Heartbleed vulnerability exploitation
p/hqlmap - Sqlmap for HQL (Hibernate Query Language)
p/inyourface - Java Faces attack tool
p/ipport - Rapid ICMP/TCP/UDP scanning scripts
p/jdwp-shellifier - JDWP (Java Debug Wire Protocol) to RCE
p/java-unserialize-exploits-foxglove - Java deserialize exploits (foxglove)
p/jexboss - JBoss exploitation tool
p/liffy - LFI (Local File Inclusion) exploitation
p/net-creds - Sniff searches / creds from interface or .pcap file
p/nishang - Powershell-aided penetration testing
p/nosqlmap - Sqlmap for NoSQL
p/odat - Oracle Database Attacking Tool
p/owtf - Offensive Web Testing Framework + nice Kali Linux fine-tune
p/payloads - Payloads All The Things
p/powersploit - Powershell Post-Exploitation Framework
p/praedasploit - Printer attacks
p/pret - Printer Exploitation Toolkit
p/ptdl - Automates file downloading from plaintext directory listing
p/rdp-sec-check - RDP security checks
p/responder - LLMNR/NBT-NS/MDNS poisoner, rogue HTTP/SMB/MSSQL/FTP/LDAP
p/rtl8188eu - rtl8188 specific hostapd + setup scripts
p/seclists - Fuzzing database (fuzzdb fork)
p/serialkiller - SerialKillerBypassGadgetCollection
p/sniper - Sn1per - Automated Pentest Recon Scanner
p/smbexec - psexec style attacks
p/sqlmap - Sqlmap
p/sublistbrute - Subdomains enumeration and brute-forcing
p/testssl - Testing for SSL vulnerabilities
p/the-backdoor-factory - TBF - backdooring MITM
p/udp-proto-scanner - UDP enumeration and probing
p/vpnbook - Free VPN
p/vulnscan - nmap nse script to grep cve's, osvdb, securityfocus etc.
p/wfuzz - Web Applications Fuzzer
p/wifiphisher - Wifi attack framework
p/wifi-pumpkin - Framework for Rogue Wi-Fi Access Point Attack
p/windows-exploit-suggester - systeminfo comparison against exploit database
p/xxei - XXE Injector
p/ysoserial - Java Deserialization Attacks