This is the Luxe examples repository for the Haxe version of the as3 Daedalus-lib.
These examples require the current haxe hxDaedalus library, which can be found here:
You can view some of the examples:
- 01-Basics: web
- 02-FromBitmap: web
- 03-Pathfinding: web
- 04-BitmapPathfinding: web
- 05-GridMaze: web
- 07-MeshExtractionFromBitmap: web
License is MIT.
Install haxe if you don't have latest.
Install git if you don't have git.
setup haxelib eg:
haxelib setup
Please enter haxelib repository path with write access
Hit enter for default (/usr/lib/haxe/lib)
Path :
hit Enter
haxelib repository is now /usr/lib/haxe/lib/
- Install hxcpp
haxelib install hxcpp
- Install git version of snowkit you can get these in any order.
haxelib git luxe
haxelib git flow
haxelib git snow
- Rebuild Snow for required platforms. go into the snow haxelib on mac it would be...
cd /usr/lib/haxeLibrary/snow/git/project
then rebuild for mac ( or windows for windows ).
haxelib run flow run mac
- Install hxDaedalus from git you need the additional parameters since it's in an src folder.
haxelib git hxDaedalus master src
- Then you can clone this repository to try the examples.
git clone
- Then you can go into each of the example and try them so on a mac you may want to try the mac and web versions eg:.
cd 04-BitmapPathfinding
haxe flowMac.hxml
haxe flowWeb.hxml