The vapour package provides access to the basic read functions available in GDALfor both raster and a vector data sources.
The functions are deliberately lower-level than these data models and provide access to the
component entities independently.
For vector data vapour provides:
- read access to feature attributes.
- read access to raw binary geometry.
- read access to geometry in text forms (GeoJSON, WKT, GML, KML).
- read access to the extent, or bounding box, of feature geometries.
All vector/feature read tasks can optionally apply
OGRSQL to a layer prior to data extraction.
For raster data vapour provides:
- read access to the list of available rasters within a collection source (subdatasets).
- read access to structural metadata for individual raster sources.
- read access for raw data using GDAL's RasterIO framework and its dynamic image decimation / replication resampling algorithms.
The workflows available are intended to support development of applications in R for these vector and raster data without being constrained to any particular data model.