SPI-flash miZy firmware image builder (for sunxi Orange Pi Zero, another sunxi boards maybe work too ) also Hybrid-image generate for SD card (spi emulate on sd card)
Its just a part or miZy project, and same as other our parts can standalone used
This perl script no need any libs or another deps
mkdir /tmp/zero_builder
cd /tmp/zero_builder
git clone https://github.com/hyphop/miZy-spi-image-builder.git
cd miZy-spi-image-builder
./miZy_spi_image_builder --help
common usage for 8M image, output to firmwares/orange_pi_zero_hyphop_mizy_spi_flash_demo-8M.bin
custom config
./miZy_spi_image_builder miZy-spi_image_builder_custom.conf
set 16M image size
img_size=16M ./miZy_spi_image_builder
not padded by flash size, save only used space
img_size=0 ./miZy_spi_image_builder
override image out name
img_name=out/my_image_name%s.bin ./miZy_spi_image_builder
check build status in shell
./miZy_spi_image_builder && echo "build ok"
./miZy_spi_image_builder || echo "build fail"
easy way for upgrade / rewrite system
scp firmwares/*.bin root@zeru:/tmp
dd bs=65536 of=/dev/mtdblock5 < /tmp/*.bin
163+1 records in
163+1 records out
10743872 bytes (10.2MB) copied, 61.941887 seconds, 169.4KB/s
by default miZy_spi_image_builder generate hybrid image its simple raw image, which can used for SPI and same for SD/MMC. this image equal spi-flash rom and ready for direct write to SPI flash, but we can write this image to SD/MMC for test work on device, and next copy this image to SPI from booted SD/MMC,
write hybrid image to SD/MMC
dd seek=16 bs=512 of=/dev/mmcblk0 < firmwares/mizy_spi_flash_demo-8M.bin
write hybrid image direct to SPI ( /dev/mtdblock5 - full size spi-flash mtd block dev)
dd bs=65536 of=/dev/mtdblock5 < /tmp/mizy_spi_flash_demo-8M.bin
write hybrid image direct to SPI via mtd
mtd write /tmp/mizy_spi_flash_demo-8M.bin full
write hybrid image to SPI via sunxi-tooll FEL mode from host machine
sunxi-fel -p spiflash-write 0 firmwares/mizy_spi_flash_demo-8M.bin
output raw mmc image (this image usable for mmc, not for SPI )
MMC=1 img_name=firmwares/mizy_mmc_image.bin ./miZy_spi_image_builder
add one partiotion and write some readme info there
./miZy_mmc_add_partitions firmwares/mizy_mmc_image.bin 8x8
dd of=/dev/mmcblk0 < firmwares/mizy_mmc_image.bin
mmc_copy_to_spi yes
## FOUND mizy hybrid image info:
miZy_spi_image_builder Thu Apr 6 16:17:17 2017 ## hyphop ##
> dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 skip=1 bs=8192 count=1024 of=/dev/mtdblock5
1024+0 records in
1024+0 records out
8388608 bytes (8.0MB) copied, 45.987770 seconds, 178.1KB/s
ok system is ready for full loading from spi now u can remove sd card, and reboot system from spi already!
default config
config file its a same pure perl code!
put your files (uboot scripts env fex/dtc kernel squashfs initramfs userdata) in @SCAN_PATH dirs by default are
tiny fast embedded linux, for sunxi Orange Pi Zero (and maybe other boards) and mods. Now under active development, but is usable already )
in FEL mode via sunxi-fel tools
check spi flash size
Manufacturer: Winbond (EFh), model: 40h, size: 16777216 bytes.
ok! write image - u can write any image size <= flash size
./tools/fel_spi_write firmwares/orange_pi_zero_hyphop_mizy_spi_flash_demo-8M.bin