This project is a proof of concept about well known Chicago taxis dataset.
The goal is to reproduce this example of tensorflow by using pachyderm
- Make (gcc)
- Docker (17+)
- Kubernetes 1.8+ (we'll use a cluster on GKE, created through k8s-gke)
git clone
vi k8s-gke/ ### Adjust your own values: GKE_CLUSTER_NAME=pachy
source k8s-gke/
make -C k8s-gke gke-bastion gke-create-cluster gke-ui-login-skip gke-proxy gke-ui
export STORAGE_SIZE=10
export BUCKET_NAME=pachyderm-poc
make preconfigure-bucket pachy-install-cli pachy-deploy
make docker-publish
Pre-built images are available here.
make pachy-proxy pachy-pipelines
Follow job statuses by:
docker exec -it gke-bastion bash -c "watch pachctl list-jobs"
If statuses of jobs are 'success' then model resources should be at GCS, in the egress URL specified in file train.json
(by default: gs://taxi_chicago/output/)
Now, let's deploy tfserving to serve models:
make gcp-secret tfserving-deploy
To get predictions:
make tfserving-client
DoD: When we put a data.csv file to pachyderm repo a new trained model is got out and ready on tfserving.
This command put a new file (new commit on pachyderm) with last 50 lines of original data.csv file:
make aggregate-data
These are job statuses after a couple of minutes:
$ docker exec -it gke-bastion bash -c "wait pachctl list-job"
021a2af8e0f04ca2ab33fb2fbf1090eb train/937281c0a74c4759b44cefc4a6f3a638 11 minutes ago 2 minutes 0 1 + 0 / 1 1.129MiB 9.404MiB success
fe4d2ad502124b67898394b37cbb658d preprocess/a5f617fccc494a8682fc88660df46511 11 minutes ago 54 seconds 0 1 + 0 / 1 1.837MiB 1.129MiB success
ee72437134804c90abb87344bbc6d415 train/7f0fe2d56c0d4387b5b5151fee7b1a46 17 minutes ago 2 minutes 0 1 + 0 / 1 1.119MiB 9.391MiB success
15fd208fec02475a8f9c99c7393cae49 preprocess/1706bff2563c47f49b95dae0d543ff0e 17 minutes ago 56 seconds 0 1 + 0 / 1 1.836MiB 1.119MiB success
Models are available at GCS:
gsutil ls gs://taxi_chicago/output/train/local_chicago_taxi_output/serving_model_dir/export/chicago-taxi/
Note how models 1537356456 and 1537356951 (last one is the model for complete dataset, created after the aggregation) are served via TFServing and clients reach them.
TFServing logs:
2018-09-19 11:28:52.591230: I tensorflow_serving/core/] Loading servable version {name: chicago_taxi version: 1537356456}
2018-09-19 11:28:52.757413: I external/org_tensorflow/tensorflow/contrib/session_bundle/] Attempting to load native SavedModelBundle in bundle-shim from: gs://taxi_chicago/output/train/local_chicago_taxi_output/serving_model_dir/export/chicago-taxi/1537356456
2018-09-19 11:28:52.757478: I external/org_tensorflow/tensorflow/cc/saved_model/] Reading SavedModel from: gs://taxi_chicago/output/train/local_chicago_taxi_output/serving_model_dir/export/chicago-taxi/1537356456
2018-09-19 11:36:12.062605: I tensorflow_serving/core/] Loading servable version {name: chicago_taxi version: 1537356951}
2018-09-19 11:36:12.771773: I external/org_tensorflow/tensorflow/contrib/session_bundle/] Attempting to load native SavedModelBundle in bundle-shim from: gs://taxi_chicago/output/train/local_chicago_taxi_output/serving_model_dir/export/chicago-taxi/1537356951
2018-09-19 11:36:12.771873: I external/org_tensorflow/tensorflow/cc/saved_model/] Reading SavedModel from: gs://taxi_chicago/output/train/local_chicago_taxi_output/serving_model_dir/export/chicago-taxi/1537356951
TFServing client logs:
$ make tfserving-client
model_spec {
name: "chicago_taxi"
version {
value: 1537356456
signature_name: "predict"
$ make tfserving-client
model_spec {
name: "chicago_taxi"
version {
value: 1537356951
signature_name: "predict"
VCK aims indirectly attach pachyderm repos to kubernetes volumes.
make vck-install
This example shows you how to create a pod with pachyderm taxi repo as local volume:
make vck-taxi-vol vck-taxi