- See modulepositions.jpg in /images for this template's module positions.
- Banner width should be 1250px
- Any content in the masthead area should NOT EXCEED 100px.
- For experienced Drupal themers, please report any template issues to
For a list of known issues and RFEs, check the issue tracking system.
White screen error on certain installation (updates), no admin menuAccess key missing node erroraccessibility features temporarily disabledsome access keys not working properly (site map)accessibility features temporarily disabled
- fix medium layout error in main content
- changed banner transition to fade
- Removed undefined variable error
- Fixed other region menu display
- Used Foundation 6.0 theme framework
- improved accessibility feature
- used font-awesome as default icon pack
- improve slider
- added theme options
- Used tabbing
- more CSS customizations
- more header,banner and banner settings
- improve menu system
- used off-canvas menu for mobile devices
- used sticky menu for header
- default transparency seal (gwt_helper_module) block
- default PST (Philippine Standard Time) block
- added right class for search block region
- fix for heading font and color
- fix for theme.js error which causes the TinyMCE page to be an error
- added new fields theme settings
- added content border settings
- header font selection
- header text logo
- added quick fix for jQuery compatibility issue
- improve rendering of element attributes for banner
- Change Version Branding Pansit version 2.0
- Revert default media query from Foundation
- Improved background footer
- transparency seal image resized into 225px square
- transparency seal added alt and title text attribute
- temporarily disable accessibility option (red button)
- fix PDO error on using GWT-Mega menu feature