An image compression tool built using Python and PyQt5 that allows users to compress images using various techniques for different image formats.
- Supports compression of images in JPEG, TIFF, PNG, and WebP formats.
- Provides different compression techniques tailored to each format.
- Allows users to load an image, view the original and compressed versions, and compare the results.
- Dark-themed user interface for a pleasant user experience.
These instructions will help you get a copy of the project up and running on your local machine.
Make sure you have the following installed on your system:
- Python 3.x
- PyQt5
- OpenCV (for image compression)
- Pillow (PIL, for image handling)
You can install the required Python packages using pip:
pip install PyQt5 opencv-python-headless pillow
Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone
cd image-compression-tool
Run the application:
- Launch the application and click the "Load Image" button to select an image file.
- The application will display the original image and compressed versions using different techniques for various formats.
- Explore the different compression techniques and their effects on image quality and file size.