This is a PHP version of the original netty-finder that was written in JavaScript
$ git clone
$ cd netty-finder-php
$ composer install
$ composer require iamwizzdom/netty-finder-php
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$detector = new Netty\NetworkDetect("09014048764");
$networkName = $detector->getNetworkName();
$numberPrefix = $detector->getNumberPrefix();
echo $networkName; //--> Airtel
echo $numberPrefix; //--> 0901
This was originally built by Bolaji Ayodeji so all rights goes to him, I only rewrote the library in PHP with a little modification to accept phone numbers with country code.
For now, I dont accept contributions except its from the javascript netty_finder, so I suggest you contribute there. Any changes from there will be added to the PHP version.