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GitHub Codespace for Zoose

Run Zoose Quantum with many useful Python and quantum computing libraries pre-installed in VSCode directly from your browser with only 2 clicks!

You can either try Zoose Quantum in VSCode in your browser with only two clicks or run it or any Zoose flavour (e.g. PyTorch) from your own GitHub account and repository (recommended).

Try Zoose Quantum

Click on Use this template and choose Open in codespace

You will be running Zoose Quantum in a GitHub Codespace, straight from this repository. This is best if you want to give Zoose Quantum a whirl but do not intend to save your work in your own account. Many popular quantum packages (e.g. Braket, Cirq, Pennylane, pytket, Qiskit) are already installed and ready to be used from VSCode, no installation required.

Run Zoose Base, Neo4j, PyTorch, Geo, or Quantum

  1. Click on Use this template (green button) and choose Create a new repository (in your own account).
  2. Give the repository a name and click Create repository from template.
  3. Click on Code (green button), choose Codespaces, and click Create codespace on master (green button) or hit the "+" sign (near the top).

The Zoose Quantum Codespace is part of the Qiskit ecosystem.

If you prefer to run a different Zoose flavour, just change the image in .devcontainer/devcontainer.json to the desired flavour, e.g. databaseline/zoose-pytorch:3.1.1 and commit it to your own repository. In that case, you can also choose the Zoose PyTorch Codespace template.

Enjoy your GitHub Codespace.