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IAR Environment Variables in CMake

Felipe Torrezan edited this page Feb 28, 2024 · 4 revisions


The IAR Embedded Workbench IDE classic project format (*.ewp) provides internal environment variables such as for "Project directory" ($PROJ_DIR$) or for "Product directory" ($TOOLKIT_DIR$). These are called "Argument Variables" and are not automatically propagated to CMake projects.

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It is possible to use CMake Variables to mimic any desired IAR Argument Variables in a CMake Project so that its environment becomes more familiar.

Notice that referencing IAR Argument Variables is syntactically different from referencing CMake Variables:

IAR Argument Variable CMake Variable

Example 1 - TOOLKIT_DIR

  • In your CMakeLists.txt set the following snippet to extract the parent directory of the selected compiler:
# Set the TOOLKIT_DIR variable for the CMakeLists
get_filename_component(BIN_DIR $ENV{CC} DIRECTORY)
get_filename_component(TOOLKIT_DIR ${BIN_DIR} PATH)
  • Then you can use the ${TOOLKIT_DIR} variable to reference that directory in your CMake project. For example:
target_link_options(MyTarget PRIVATE --semihosting --config ${TOOLKIT_DIR}/config/generic.icf)

Example 2 - PROJ_DIR

  • In CMake, PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR can be used to emulate PROJ_DIR:
  • Then you can simply use the ${PROJ_DIR} variable to reference that directory in your CMake project. For example:
target_link_options(MyTarget PRIVATE --semihosting --config ${PROJ_DIR}/MyCustomLinkerConfiguration.icf)
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