betterosi - a python library for reading and writing open-simulation-interface files using betterproto2
A python library for reading and writing ASAM OSI (Open-Simulation-Interace) files (either .osi
binary traces or MCAP files) using betterproto2 instead of the default protobuf generated code (better typing and enum support).
- Supports writing and reading either mcap or osi files with
. - View OSI or MCAP file containing OSI GroundTruth
betterosi-viewer <filepath.mcap / filepath.osi>
(adapted from esmini) - Convert osi to mcap with
betterosi-to-mcap <filepath to osi>
The library uses code from esmini (betterosi/
) under MPL 2.0 license and the code from open-simulation-interface to read osi traces (betterosi/
The library uses code generation of python-betterproto2-compiler to generate python code from the protobuf definitions of open-simulation-interface.
Since OSI and esmini are under MPL, also this repository is published under MPL-2.0 license.
pip install betterosi
The following code creates a list of GroundTruth messages from an MCAP file for OSI trace containing SensorViews or GroundTruth messages.
import betterosi
ground_truths ='filepath.mcap/filepath.osi', return_ground_truth=True)
sensor_views ='filepath.osi', return_sensor_view=True)
any_osi_message ='filepath.mcap')
With the following code you can create an MCAP file. If you change the filepath test.mcap
to test.osi
, an OSI tracefile will be created.
with betterosi.Writer(f'test.mcap') as writer:
gt = betterosi.GroundTruth(...)
with betterosi.Writer(f'test.osi') as writer:
sv = betterosi.SensorView(...)
import betterosi
NANOS_PER_SEC = 1_000_000_000
with betterosi.Writer(f'test.mcap') as writer:
moving_object = betterosi.MovingObject(id=betterosi.Identifier(value=42),
type = betterosi.MovingObjectType.TYPE_UNKNOWN,
dimension= betterosi.Dimension3D(length=5, width=2, height=1),
position = betterosi.Vector3D(x=0, y=0, z=0),
orientation = betterosi.Orientation3D(roll = 0.0, pitch = 0.0, yaw = 0.0),
velocity = betterosi.Vector3D(x=1, y=0, z=0)
gt = betterosi.GroundTruth(
version=betterosi.InterfaceVersion(version_major= 3, version_minor=7, version_patch=0),
timestamp=betterosi.Timestamp(seconds=0, nanos=0),
# Generate 1000 OSI messages for a duration of 10 seconds
for i in range(1000):
total_nanos = i*0.01*NANOS_PER_SEC
gt.timestamp.seconds = int(total_nanos // NANOS_PER_SEC)
gt.timestamp.nanos = int(total_nanos % NANOS_PER_SEC)
moving_object.base.position.x += 0.5
pip install grpcio-tools git+
cd into osi-proto and run the following command to generate the code
cd osi-proto
mkdir ../betterosi/generated
python -m grpc_tools.protoc -I . --python_betterproto2_out=../betterosi/generated osi_common.proto osi_datarecording.proto osi_detectedlane.proto osi_detectedobject.proto osi_detectedoccupant.proto osi_detectedroadmarking.proto osi_detectedtrafficlight.proto osi_detectedtrafficsign.proto osi_environment.proto osi_featuredata.proto osi_groundtruth.proto osi_hostvehicledata.proto osi_lane.proto osi_logicaldetectiondata.proto osi_logicallane.proto osi_motionrequest.proto osi_object.proto osi_occupant.proto osi_referenceline.proto osi_roadmarking.proto osi_route.proto osi_sensordata.proto osi_sensorspecific.proto osi_sensorview.proto osi_sensorviewconfiguration.proto osi_streamingupdate.proto osi_trafficcommand.proto osi_trafficcommandupdate.proto osi_trafficlight.proto osi_trafficsign.proto osi_trafficupdate.proto osi_version.proto osi_mapasamopendrive.proto
This code is published under MPL-2.0 license. It utilizes and modifies parts of esmini (betterosi/ under MPL-2.0 and open-simulation-interface (osi-proto/* and betterosi/ under MPL-2.o