Make sure python is installed correctly - http://docs.python-guide.org
Clone this repo
git clone https://github.com/impshum/simple-twitter-facts-bot
Or use the download button (your choice).
Move into the folder
cd simple-twitter-facts-bot
Build a virtual environment
The scripts are in python 2.7 so...
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python2.7 venv
Start said environment
source venv/bin/activate
Install requirements
pip install twython requests bs4 lxml
Create a twitter account for your project: https://twitter.com
Create a twitter app for your project and grab your keys: https://apps.twitter.com
Open up the files in an editor (I use http://atom.io)
Have a spy around.
Insert said keys into facts.py
Open up facts.txt
The facts bot tweets a fact from facts.txt, moves the used line to liners.txt and sleeps for 15 mins then runs again until all lines have been used up. For sanity reasons there's a funtion which removes lines with more than 140 chars as Twatter only allows 140 chars.
To run the script
python bot.py
woo.py is a very simple web scraper that grabs the top trending hashtag from https://ritetag.com/hashtag-search and simply prints it out. Beautiful Soup is fantastic!
Again, to run the script
python woo.py
- To stop the environment
I'm sure you can get this running in no time. A raspberry pi comes in handy for running these 24/7.