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Tilt - Cryptocurrency Payments Platform


Jan 2023: The Tilt service has been discontinued and the API is no longer publicly available.


Tilt enables you to easily accept cryptocurrencies from your website or app while retaining control of your private keys.

Tilt is a platform and API for developers that makes it easy to implement a cryptocurrency payment solution by giving you the ability to generate addresses, monitor addresses, get notified about transactions, keep track of payments, exchange rates and more.

See the SDK directory for API documentation and integration examples.

Supported Currencies

  • Mainnet: BTC, LTC, DOGE
  • Testnet: TDOGE

Supported Quote Symbols


Getting Started

  1. Install Tilt (see Installation below).
  2. Run tilt init to create the ~/.tilt directory structure and wallet key.
  3. Run tilt register to provision Tilt server keys and a wallet ID.
  4. Run tilt start to start the wallet service in the background.
  5. Run tilt ping to test your setup.
  6. Integrate the SDK into your site or app.
  7. Begin accepting payments.
  8. Run tilt monitor to view transactions in real-time.
  9. Visit to access the web-based interface.

Installation (Debian/Ubuntu)

$ sudo apt-get install build-essential python3 python3-dev python3-venv libgmp3-dev
$ git clone git://
$ cd tilt
$ python3 -mvenv env
$ source env/bin/activate
$ pip install --upgrade pip
$ pip install .
$ tilt info

Installation (OS X)

$ brew install gmp
$ brew install openssl
$ git clone git://
$ cd tilt
$ python3 -mvenv env
$ source env/bin/activate
$ pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
$ export LDFLAGS="-L/opt/homebrew/opt/openssl@1.1/lib"
$ export CPPFLAGS="-I/opt/homebrew/opt/openssl@1.1/include"
$ export CFLAGS="-I/opt/homebrew/include -L/opt/homebrew/lib"
$ pip install .
$ tilt info

Wallet Service

The Tilt wallet service is designed to run on a private server (or local computer) and act as a hot wallet. It maintains a constant WebSocket connection to the Tilt servers. Requests from your site or app are routed through the Tilt servers to your wallet service. In the event that your wallet service is offline, it's possible to pre-generate "unused" addresses that will be used during downtime.

The private keys are generated and stored on your private server and therefore they are not accessible to Tilt or anyone else.

Tilt Directory

Tilt maintains a directory inside your home directory at ~/.tilt.

File/Directory Description
api_key Secret API key
site_key Secret key for importing your wallet on the Tilt website
srv_key Secret key for connecting to the Tilt service
tilt.log Output of the wallet service
wallet/ Directory containing addresses, encrypted keys and metadata
wallet_id Non-secret ID of your wallet
wallet_key Secret key used to encrypt your private keys


  • Q: Why should I use Tilt?

  • A: Tilt makes it easy for you to accept crypto payments while maintaining control of your private keys. Tilt avoids the "Not Your Keys, Not Your Coins" problem by ensuring that only you have access to the private keys.

  • Q: Why do I need Tilt?

  • A: You don't, but some aspects of this infrastructure are complicated and potentially expensive to operate and maintain. Tilt is intended for those who don't have the time, expertise or desire to develop an end-to-end solution on their own but still want to retain complete control over their private keys.

  • Q: Why can't I just distribute my crypto address and let people send me money?

  • A: It is recommended to generate a new address for each transaction. Additionally, by generating a new address for each transaction you will be able to track who paid you and what the payment was for, which is important for certain types of payment solutions (online stores, subscriptions, etc.)

  • Q: How much does Tilt cost?

  • A: Tilt is completely free during the beta testing phase. Basic usage of Tilt will remain free with some limitations in the future. Tilt will use a freemium pricing model that scales with your usage. Find the latest details at

  • Q: Why should I trust you?

  • A: Tilt doesn't have or want access to your private keys. The wallet portion of Tilt is open-source and we encourage everyone to audit the source code and contact us regarding any potential security issues. It is in our interest for you to continue using Tilt as your needs grow. To that end, it is also in our interest to operate in an honest and reliable manner.

  • Q: What if the Tilt service is discontinued?

  • A: Your private keys and copies of your metadata are stored on your own servers, so you wouldn't lose anything of value except access to our API.

  • Q: Who operates Tilt?

  • A: Tilt is a service provided by Lone Dynamics Corporation.

  • Q: What license does Tilt use?

  • A: Tilt is released under the Lone Dynamics Open License which is substantially similar to the BSD 1-Clause license.


Hot wallets are potentially vulnerable to attacks from hackers and it is not recommended to store private keys on computers connected to the Internet longer than necessary.

Virtual private servers (VPS) may be potentially vulnerable to certain types of attacks that could compromise your keys.

Private keys are stored encrypted as an additional level of security which means that you must back up your ~/.tilt/wallet_key along with your wallet data.

You can also use the tilt freeze command which will create a zip file containing all of your wallet data without any encryption. You can then copy this file to another computer and verify its contents before removing the keys from your hot wallet using tilt destroy.

Command Line Interface

The following is a description of some of the most important Tilt commands, for a complete list see tilt help.


This command creates a new Tilt wallet. You only need to do this once. This will create a ~/.tilt directory containing your wallet key.

$ tilt init 


This command registers your wallet with the Tilt service. You only need to do this once. This will create a wallet ID, API key, and allow you to use to the Tilt service.

$ tilt register


This command displays information about your Tilt instance.

$ tilt info


This command will start the wallet service in the background.

$ tilt start


This command will report whether or not the wallet service is running.

$ tilt status


This command will stop the wallet service.

$ tilt stop


The ping command can be used to determine if your wallet server instance is running and communicating correctly with the Tilt service. It sends a request to the Tilt API which is routed back to your local wallet server instance, which will then send a reply to Tilt, which will then complete the API request. If your local service isn't running or isn't connected, you'll see an error.

$ tilt ping

Create Address/Key Pair

This command creates a new address and private key for the specified currency and stores them in your wallet. The private key is stored encrypted using your wallet key. The address is also registered with the Tilt service so that you will receive transaction notifications.

You can optionally include a label that will assign the address to a separate wallet namespace.

$ tilt create <currency> [label]

Display Wallet Balance

This command displays the total of all unspent transactions for the specified currency, including all labelled and unlabelled addresses. You can optionally specify the number of confirmations required for a transaction to be included in the balance.

$ tilt balance <currency> [confirmations]

Display Address Balance

This command displays the total of all unspent transactions for a specific address. You can optionally specify the number of confirmations required for a transaction to be included in the balance.

$ tilt balance-address <currency> <addr> [confirmations]

Display Label Balance

This command displays the total of all unspent transactions in your wallet for a specific label. You can optionally specify the number of confirmations required for a transaction to be included in the balance.

$ tilt balance-label <currency> <label> [confirmations]

Display Balances

This command displays the total of all unspent transactions for each address in your wallet that has transactions. You can optionally specify the number of confirmations required for a transaction to be included in the balance.

$ tilt balances [confirmations]

Display Wallet Entry

This command displays the wallet entry for the given address, including the decrypted private key, any associated metadata and label.

$ tilt show <currency> <addr>

List Addresses

This command displays a list of all of your addresses.

$ tilt list [--show-balances] [--show-labels] [--show-unused] [currency]


This command displays a price quote for a given symbol (i.e. BTCUSD).

$ tilt quote <sym>

Monitor Activity

This command will display real-time activity between the Tilt service and your local wallet service, including notifications of transactions.

$ tilt monitor

Create Unused Address/Key Pair

This command creates "unused" addresses and private keys for the specified currency. These addresses are registered with Tilt but they are not immediately monitored. In the event that your local wallet service is offline, these addresses will be used by any calls to the create_address API method and will then become monitored. You can create up to 100 unused addresses at a time.

$ tilt create-unused <currency> [quantity]

Import Unused Addresses

This command imports "unused" addresses for the specified currency. These addresses are registered with Tilt but they are not immediately monitored. They are not stored locally and will not be displayed with tilt list. In the event that your local wallet service is offline, these addresses will be used by any calls to the create_address API method and will then become monitored. You can import up to 100 unused addresses at a time.

With this command it is possible to use Tilt with air gapped cold wallets. You can pre-generate 100s or 1000s of address/key pairs on a computer not connected to the internet, and then use this command to import the addresses.

$ tilt import-unused <currency> <filename>

List Unused Addresses

List all of the "unused" addresses that have been registered with Tilt for a given currency.

$ tilt list-unused <currency>

Destroy Unused Addresses

Destroy all of the "unused" addresses that have been registered with Tilt for a given currency. This will not remove wallet files created by tilt create-unused but it will unregister all "unused" addresses.

$ tilt destroy-unused <currency>


This command creates a zip file containing all of your wallet data without any encryption. This command does not remove any keys, see 'destroy' for that.

$ tilt freeze


This command will permanently erase files from your hot wallet for those keys that are found in a previously frozen zip file. Use this after you have moved your keys to a cold wallet and unzipped the frozen file. You will be prompted for confirmation.

$ tilt destroy <frozen zip> --i-know-what-i-am-doing