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Getting the SDK

Adnan Mujagić edited this page Jun 11, 2024 · 2 revisions

There are several ways to install our SDK. We publish it on CocoaPods, Swift Package Manager and Carthage.


If you want to add it as a CocoaPods dependency, add the following to your Podfile:

pod 'InfobipRTC'

To install newly added dependencies, simply run pod install.

Swift Package Manager

If you want to install our SDK using Swift Package Manager, add the GitHub repository as a Swift Package.


If you want to use Carthage dependency manager, add these dependencies to your Cartfile:

github "infobip/infobip-rtc-ios" ~> 2.0.0
binary "" >= 1.0.37785

When using it for the first time, run carthage bootstrap --use-xcframeworks. Otherwise, run carthage update --use-xcframeworks to update dependencies.

Find InfobipRTC.xcframework in the Carthage/Build folder and drag and drop it in the Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content section of your application target's General settings.

Using the SDK

Once the SDK is installed, it is available for use in your project as:

import InfobipRTC


Migration guides

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