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React RocketJump

Manage state and side effects like a breeze

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React RocketJump is a flexible, customizable, extensible tool to help developers dealing with side effects and asynchronous code in React Applications

Benefits of using React RocketJump

  • asynchronous code is managed locally in your components, without the need of a global state
  • you can start a task and then cancel it before it completes
  • the library detects when components are mounted or unmounted, so that no asynchronous code is run on unmounted components
  • extensible (but already powerful) and composable ecosystem of plugins to manage the most common and challenging tasks

Quick start


yarn add react-rocketjump

Your first rocket jump!

// (1) Import rocketjump (rj for friends)
import { rj } from 'react-rocketjump'

// (2) Create a RocketJump Object
export const TodosState = rj({
  // (3) Define your side effect
  // (...args) => Promise | Observable
  effect: () => fetch(`/api/todos`).then(r => r.json()),

// (4) And then use it in your component
import { useRunRj } from 'react-rocketjump'
const TodoList = props => {

  // Here we use object destructuring operators to rename actions
  //    this allows to avoid name clashes and to have more auto documented code
  const [{
    data: todos, // <-- The result from effect, null at start
    pending,     // <-- Is effect in pending? false at start
    error        // <-- The eventually error from side effect, null when side effect starts
  }] = useRunRj(TodosState) // Run side effects on mount only

  return  (
      {error && <div>Got some troubles</div>}
      {pending && <div>Wait...</div>}
          todos !== null &&
 => (
          <li key={}>{todo.title}</li>

Trigger side effects on values changes

import { rj } from 'react-rocketjump'
export const TodosState = rj({
  effect: (username = 'all') => fetch(`/api/todos/${username}`).then(r => r.json()),

import { useRunRj } from 'react-rocketjump'
const TodoList = ({ username }) => {

  // Every time the username changes the effect re-run
  // the previouse effect will be canceled if in pending
  const [
    { data: todos, pending, error },
      // run the sie effect
      // stop the side effect and clear the state
      // stop the side effect
  ] = useRunRj(TodosState, [username])

  // ...

Trigger side effects maybe 😮 on values changes

import { rj } from 'react-rocketjump'
export const TodosState = rj({
  effect: (username = 'all') => fetch(`/api/todos/${username}`).then(r => r.json()),

import { useRunRj, deps } from 'react-rocketjump'
const TodoList = ({ username }) => {

  // Every time the username changes the effect re-run
  // the previouse effect will be canceled if in pending
  const [
    { data: todos, pending, error },
      // run the sie effect
      // stop the side effect and clear the state
      // stop the side effect
  ] = useRunRj(TodosState, [
    deps.maybe(username) // if username is falsy deps tell useRj to
                         // don't run your side effects

  // ...

  // there are a lot of cool maybe like monad shortcuts

  // use maybeAll to replace y deps array [] with all maybe values
  // if username OR group are falsy don't run the side effect
  useRunRj(deps.allMaybe(username, group))

  // strict check 4 null
  useRunRj(deps.allMaybeNull(username, group))

  // shortcut 4 lodash style get
  // if user is falsy doesn't run otherwise runs with get(value, path)
  useRunRj([deps.maybeGet(user, 'id')])

  // ... you can always use the simple maybe to generated custom run
  // conditions in a declarative fashion way
    (username && status !== 'banned')
      ? username  // give the username as dep only if username
                  // is not falsy and the status is not banned ...
      : deps.maybe() // otherwise call maybe with nothing
                     // and nothing is js means undefined so always
                     // a false maybe


Trigger side effects when you want

import { rj } from 'react-rocketjump'
export const TodosState = rj({
  effect: (username = 'all') => fetch(`/api/todos/${username}`).then(r => r.json()),

import { useEffect } from 'react'
import { useRunRj } from 'react-rocketjump'
const TodoList = ({ username }) => {

  // useRj don't auto trigger side effects
  // Give you the state and actions generated from the RocketJump Object
  // is up to you to trigger sie effect
  // useRunRj is implement with useRj and useEffect to call the run action with your deps
  const [
    { data: todos, pending, error },
    { run }
  ] = useRj(TodosState, [username])

  useEffect(() => {
    if (username) {
  }, [username])

  function onTodosReload() {
    // or with callbacks
      // in callbacks is saftly to run side effects or set react state
      // because callbacks are automatic unregistred when TodoList unmount
      .onSuccess((todos) => {
        console.log('Reload Y todos!', todos)
      .onFailure((error) => {
        console.error("Can't reload Y todos sorry...", error)

  // ...


import { rj } from 'react-rocketjump'
export const TodosState = rj({
  mutations: {
    // Give a name to your mutation
    addTodo: {
      // Describe the side effect
      effect: todo => fetch(`${API_URL}/todos`, {
        method: 'post',
        headers: {
         'Content-Type': 'application/json'
        body: JSON.stringify(todo),
       }).then(r => r.json()),
       // Describe how to update the state in respond of effect success
       // (prevState, effectResult) => newState
       updater: (state, todo) => ({
  effect: (username = 'all') => fetch(`/api/todos/${username}`).then(r => r.json()),

import { useEffect } from 'react'
import { useRunRj } from 'react-rocketjump'
const TodoList = ({ username }) => {
  const [
    { data: todos, pending, error },
      addTodo, // <-- Match the mutation name
  ] = useRj(TodosState, [username])

  // Mutations actions works as run, cancel and clean
  // trigger the realted side effects and update the state using give updater
  function handleSubmit(values) {
      .onSuccess((newTodo) => {
        console.log('Todo added!', newTodo)
      .onFailure((error) => {
        console.error("Can't add todo sorry...", error)

  // ...

Optimistic Mutations

To make a mutation optimistic add optimisticResult to your mutation config:

  effect: fetchTodosApi,
  mutations: {
    updateTodo: {
      optimisticResult: (todo) => todo,
      updater: (state, updatedTodo) => ({
        data: =>
 === ? updatedTodo : todo
      effect: updateTodoApi,
    toggleTodo: {
      optimisticResult: (todo) => ({
        done: !todo.done,
      updater: (state, updatedTodo) => ({
        data: =>
 === ? updatedTodo : todo
      effect: (todo) =>
          done: !todo.done,
    incrementTodo: {
      optimisticResult: (todo) =>,
      optmisticUpdater: (state, todoIdToIncrement) => ({
        data: =>
 === todoIdToIncrement
            ? {
                score: todo.score + 1,
            : todo
      effect: (todo) => incrementTodoApi( =>,

The optimisticResult function will be called with your params (as your effect) and the return value will be passed to the updater to update your state.

If your mutation SUCCESS rocketjump will commit your state and re-running your updater ussing the effect result as a normal mutation.

Otherwise if your mutation FAILURE rocketjump roll back your state and unapply the optimisticResult.

Sometimes you need to distinguish between an optmisitc update and an update from SUCCESS if you provide the optimisticUpdater key in your mutation config the optimisticUpdater is used to perform the optmistic update an the updater to perform the update when commit success.

If your provided ONLY optimisticUpdater the success commit is skipped and used current root state, this is useful for response as 204 No Content style where you can ignore the success and skip an-extra React update to your state.

If you provide only updater this is used for BOTH optmistic and non-optimistic updates.

Deep dive

The full documentation with many examples and detailed information is mantained at

Be sure to check it out!!

Built-in logger

Since v2 rj ships a redux-logger inspired logger designed to run only in DEV and helps you debugging rocketjumps.

This is what it looks like:

Rj Logger Sample Screen

To enable it, just add this snippet to your index.js:

import rjLogger from 'react-rocketjump/logger'

// The logger don't log in PRODUCTION
// (place this before ReactDOM.render)

To add a name to your RocketJump Object in the logger output simply add a name key in your rj config:

const TomatoesState = rj({
  // ... rj config ...
  name: 'Tomatoes'

Run example

You can find an example under example, it's a simple REST todo app that uses the great json-server as fake API server.

To run it first clone the repo:

git clone

Then run:

yarn install
yarn run-example


Rocketjump your react! Manage state and side effects like a breeze







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