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Integration Adapters

The adapter is a library designed to simplify integration with backend or infrastructure systems.

By providing a properly configured HTTP client, the library handles critical integration tasks such as data modeling, exception handling, and managing the complexities of REST and SOAP protocols. It abstracts the intricacies of communication with external systems, making it easier to focus on your application logic while ensuring a seamless integration experience.

It composes two main thin libraries. And also it has aa extension thin library.


It is the framework library of Integration Adapters libraries. It includes common models and interfaces. It has no dependencies other than JDK.


Implementations of micro-integration library are included. Calling of Http Client and End services is done through this layer. Solutions of common problems such as logging and security are included. Spring framework's WebserviceTemplate and RestTemplate are used to abstract http client libraries within itself.

dynamic-adapter-config-bridge extension

Dynamic Configuration Loader with Pull and Push Models

Implements a dynamic configuration loader leveraging the dynamic-adapter-config-bridge extension. The loader supports both eager and lazy initialization modes, with configurable options for triggers and scheduled updates. Configuration can be loaded and updated dynamically, either during application startup or at runtime, enabling seamless integration and adaptability.

Compatibility Matrix

Lib Version Java Version
micro-integration 1.1.X 17
micro-middleware 1.1.X 17
dynamic-adapter-config-bridge 1.1.X 17

Integration Adapters Libraries


Artifact Version
micro-integration Maven Central
micro-middleware Maven Central
dynamic-adapter-config-bridge Maven Central


High Level Diagram




  • Changing SSL cert loading (@fatihbozik) : next patch
  • SSL cert, config load from dynamic configs (@fatihbozik) : DONE (1.1.0)
  • Add runtime configs intercepts (@turgaycan, @oransalih) : DONE (1.1.0)
  • Add ssl forge (@fatihbozik) : DONE (1.1.0)

Capabilities and Technical Details

Integration Adapters provide a comprehensive set of capabilities for both REST and SOAP services, ensuring standardized, secure, and manageable integration processes.

  • Supported HTTP Clients:

    • JDK HTTP Client
    • Apache HttpClient 5
  • License: MIT Licensed, open-source, and available via Maven Central Repository.


1. Standardized HTTP Integration Templates (REST & SOAP)

  • Success and failure scenarios are standardized for all HTTP integrations (customizable and overridable).
  • Input and output data models are unified within a single framework.

2. Microservice Model Isolation

  • The adapter layer prevents direct imports of generated classes within microservices.
  • Ensures service isolation, allowing independent evolution of integration components.

3. Code Consistency and Compliance

  • Encourages uniform coding practices across teams, ensuring maintainability.
  • Simplifies integration development and minimizes onboarding effort.

4. Dynamic Configuration Management

  • HTTP and adapter parameters can be modified at runtime without redeployment.
  • Configuration can be managed via databases, files, or centralized configuration services.
  • No redeployment required, enabling agile change management.

5. Advanced HTTP Logging and Monitoring

  • Logging levels can be dynamically configured and support the following modes:
    • ALL: Logs all HTTP requests & responses (headers, body, URL).
    • REQ_RES: Logs request & response bodies and URL only.
    • FAILURE: Logs only failed HTTP responses (non-200 status codes).
    • NONE: Disables logging entirely.

6. Sensitive Data Masking

  • Supports masking of sensitive data in HTTP request/response bodies and headers.
  • Protects sensitive information such as credit card numbers, user credentials, and tokens from logs.

7. Large Payload Handling

  • Selective field-level logging allows excluding large payloads from logs.
  • For instance, JSON or XML payloads can be partially logged while ignoring non-essential fields.

8. Flexible Authentication Mechanisms

  • Authentication settings can be modified at runtime without requiring redeployment.
  • Supported authentication types:
    • HTTP Basic Authentication: Injects dynamically configured credentials into Authorization headers.
    • Custom HTTP Header Authentication: Allows authentication via custom HTTP headers.
    • HTTP Bearer Authentication: Supports token retrieval and refresh mechanisms.
    • None: Default usage without authentication.

9. SSL/TLS Certificate Management

  • Supports Client SSL certificates and Hostname verification.
  • Allows both TrustAll (insecure) mode and certificate-based validation.

10. Semantic Versioning & CI/CD Compatibility

  • Adapter libraries are versioned using semantic versioning principles.
  • Fully compatible with CI/CD pipelines, enabling automated deployment and versioning.

Key Benefits

✅ Accelerates Development → Reduces time-to-market by streamlining integration development.
✅ Lowers Maintenance Costs → Standardized integration processes simplify debugging and support.
✅ Highly Configurable & Extensible → Runtime configuration changes provide operational flexibility.
✅ Ensures Security & Observability → Supports data masking and selective logging for compliance.

With these capabilities, Integration Adapters empower enterprises to build secure, scalable, and future-proof integration solutions. 🚀


There are two levels of library layers for now.


The top of the integration layer of the microservice. There is no dependency without JDK. The layer consists of interfaces, models, utilities and related stuffs.


The second layer of the integration architecture. It consists of the abstractions of integration parts such as http client, spring-ws-core, javax validation, apache common utility libs.

security, logging, client implementation

Example adapter implementation

mirket-adapter is the sample adapter implementation. Please check the implementation of the features before asking any questions.



Apache HttpClient 5 JDK Http Client OK HTTP (not implement yet)


Generation (WSDL2JAVA)

One of following optionals is for generation. (Choose one of them what your comfort-zone is)

Apache CXF (optional)
AXIS (optional)
GRADLE JAXB Plugin (Optional)    
JDK 17

Stubs are generated via apache cxf library using sh script or gradle task.

You can find the example shell scripts under the files/scripts directory.

You can generate client three ways. There are shell scripts under the files/scripts folder that are to provide generating wsdl to java code using axis/cxf.

  • 1 - apache cxf

    Download apache binary dist. Config sh script variable values with your path configs Execute sh or bat scripts.

  • 2 - axis2

    Download apache binary dist. Config sh script variable values with your path configs Execute sh or bat scripts.

Enabling axis dependencies please add following dependencies to gradle file. mirket-adapter has an example of the axis generation.

implementation "org.apache.axis2:axis2:${versions.axis2}"
implementation "org.apache.axis:axis-jaxrpc:${versions.axis2_jaxrpc}"
implementation "org.apache.axis2:axis2-saaj:${versions.axis2}"
implementation "org.apache.axis2:axis2-codegen:${versions.axis2}"
implementation "org.apache.axis2:axis2-adb-codegen:${versions.axis2}"

// axis
axis "org.apache.axis2:axis2:${versions.axis2}",
  • 3 - gradle jaxb task(will be added) nad gradle axis (genCountryInfoService)

Recommend third way. It is more easy and minimum dependency.

Gradle clean/build
Execute genXXX task.

Rest Layer

Spring rest template
Apache HttpClient 5
JDK Http Client

WS Layer

Spring webservice template
Apache HttpClient 5

External Adapter (Backend service) Response Pattern

The generic code of the segmentation should be finalized.

The codes in the templates below are given as an example.

  "status": {
    "code": "0",
    "message": "Success"
  "data": {
    //generic type "T"
    //Any Object of server success response

Exception Cases

There are three phases to get error.

client exception

  "status": {
    "code": "4000",
    "message": "Adapter Client Message"
    // fixed message

server exception

code : it is originated from server response message : it is originated from server response

  "status": {
    "code": "5000",
    "message": "Server Message"
    //get from server

client exception after server response handling

  "status": {
    "code": "4500",
    "message": "Server Response Message Client Handling Exception Message"
    // fixed message

Example Adapter Usage

  • TODO: Create a template project to use it to create new adapter modules.
  • TODO: Explain how to use an example adapter in user project. How to create beans etc.

Example Adapter Service Creation

Since you need to write an integration code, there should be one class that manages all requests that you need to send to that endpoint. To make it simple to write integration code, this library provides two base adapter classes that you can extend in your integration service class RestAdapter and SoapAdapter.

Let's say that we have below services.

First Service Definition

Property Name Value Description
Service Name ExampleRestService User readable name of service
Service Type REST Service api model
Service APIs /example-rest/first, /example-rest/first/any-sub-path API urls that exposed by service
Service Url Main url of service that accessible from GW

Second Service Definition

Property Name Value Description
Service Name ExampleSoapService User readable name of service
Service Type SOAP Service api model
Service APIs /example-soap/second, /example-soap/second/any-sub-path API urls that exposed by service
Service Url Main url of service that accessible from GW

First you need to create your service class. After you create it you can override default methods to gain some more control.

Rest Service Usage

Creating the example service and overriding default methods:

public class ExampleRestService extends RestAdapter<AdapterConfig> {

    // User can override this method to check the response status from the body of response. Sometimes
    // services can return an incorrect http status which means a response with a successful http
    // status but an error inside the body.
    protected AdapterStatus checkStatusDefaultIsHttp200(HttpAdapterResponse<?> httpAdapterResponse) {
        final FirstServiceResponseContainer responseContainer = (FirstServiceResponseContainer) httpAdapterResponse.body();
        //check the body data for status, create business failed status if there is any error.
        if (responseContainer.checkSomeBusinessError()) {
            return new AdapterResponse<>(AdapterStatus.createStatusFailedAsBusiness());
        return AdapterStatus.createSuccess();

    //User can override this method to add endpoint level default exception handling.
    protected <T> AdapterResponse<T> handleExceptionWithDefault(Exception e) {
        if (e instanceof SomeException) {
            //do something and return a different AdapterResponse.
        return super.handleExceptionWithDefault(e);


There are more detail about creation steps of example service in below. Let's create an api integration method first.

How to send request to an endpoint

Use get,post,put,delete or patch method of RestAdapter to send request to the endpoint.

public class ExampleRestService extends RestAdapter<AdapterConfig> {

    public AdapterResponse firstOperation(String firstOpParam) {
        final Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap();
        headers.put("X-Example-Header", "random-value");

        return get(
                "/first?firstOpParam=" + firstOpParam,
                // api sub url, this will be added to endpointConfig serviceUrl(gateway or direct)
                headers,  // headers
                null, // request body ( null for get request)
                FirstRestResponse.class,// response type 
                httpAdapterResponse -> { // response customizer callback.
                    final FirstRestResponse first = httpAdapterResponse.body();
                    if (first.checkSomeBusinessError()) {
                        return new AdapterResponse<>(AdapterStatus.createStatusFailedAsBusiness());
                    // you should map your response to your model and don't use Json library classes or generated response class dependent classes in your adapter response.
                    return new AdapterResponse<>(AdapterStatus.createSuccess(),


Soap Service Usage

Creating the example service and overriding default methods:

public class ExampleSoapService extends SoapAdapter<AdapterConfig> {

    // User can override this method to check the response status from the body of response. Sometimes
    // services can return an incorrect http status which means a response with a successful http
    // status but an error inside the body.
    protected AdapterStatus checkStatusDefaultIsHttp200(HttpAdapterResponse<?> httpAdapterResponse) {
        final SecondServiceResponseContainer responseContainer = (SecondServiceResponseContainer) httpAdapterResponse.body();
        //check the body data for status, create business failed status if there is any error.
        if (responseContainer.checkSomeBusinessError()) {
            return new AdapterResponse<>(AdapterStatus.createStatusFailedAsBusiness());
        return AdapterStatus.createSuccess();

    //User can override this method to add endpoint level default exception handling.
    protected <T> AdapterResponse<T> handleExceptionWithDefault(Exception e) {
        if (e instanceof SomeException) {
            //do something and return a different AdapterResponse.
        return super.handleExceptionWithDefault(e);


There are more detail about creation steps of example service in below. Let's create an api integration method first.

How To Instantiate The Http Bean Configuration For The Adapter

package com.inomera.middleware.config;

import com.inomera.integration.config.model.AdapterConfig;
import com.inomera.middleware.client.soap.ApacheHttpSoapAdapterClient;
import com.inomera.middleware.client.soap.SimpleSoapAdapterClient;
import org.apache.hc.client5.http.classic.HttpClient;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Scope;
import org.springframework.http.client.ClientHttpRequestFactory;
import org.springframework.oxm.Marshaller;
import org.springframework.oxm.Unmarshaller;

import java.util.function.Supplier;

 * Configuration class for HTTP beans.
public class HttpBeanConfiguration {

  public static final String BEAN_APACHE_HTTP_REST_CLIENT_WITH_CONFIG = "apacheHttpRestClientWithConfig";
  public static final String BEAN_APACHE_HTTP_REST_CLIENT = "apacheHttpRestClient";
  public static final String BEAN_APACHE_CUSTOM_HTTP_REST_CLIENT = "apacheCustomHttpRestClient";
  public static final String BEAN_APACHE_CUSTOM_CONFIG_HTTP_REST_CLIENT = "apacheCustomConfigHttpRestClient";
  public static final String BEAN_APACHE_HTTP_REST_CLIENT_WITH_REQUEST_FACTORY = "apacheHttpRestClientWithRequestFactory";
  public static final String BEAN_SIMPLE_HTTP_REST_CLIENT_WITH_CONFIG = "simpleRestHttpClientWithConfig";
  public static final String BEAN_SIMPLE_HTTP_REST_CLIENT = "simpleHttpRestClient";
  public static final String BEAN_SIMPLE_SOAP_CLIENT = "simpleSoapClient";
  public static final String BEAN_APACHE_HTTP_SOAP_CLIENT = "apacheHttpSoapClient";
  public static final String BEAN_APACHE_CUSTOM_HTTP_SOAP_CLIENT = "apacheCustomHttpSoapClient";
  public static final String BEAN_APACHE_HTTP_SOAP_CLIENT_WITH_MESSAGE_SENDER = "apacheHttpSoapClientWithMessageSender";
  public static final String BEAN_APACHE_HTTP_SOAP_CLIENT_WITH_MARSHALLER = "apacheHttpSoapClientWithMarshaller";
  public static final String BEAN_APACHE_HTTP_SOAP_CLIENT_WITH_MARSHALLER_AND_MESSAGE_FACTORY = "apacheHttpSoapClientWithMarshallerAndMessageFactory";

  //REST BEANS - <editor-fold desc="REST BEANS">
  public ApacheHttpRestAdapterClient apacheHttpRestAdapterClient() {
    return new ApacheHttpRestAdapterClient();

  public ApacheHttpRestAdapterClient apacheHttpRestAdapterClientWithConfig(
          Supplier<AdapterConfig> configSupplierFunc) {
    return new ApacheHttpRestAdapterClient(configSupplierFunc);

  public ApacheHttpRestAdapterClient apacheCustomHttpRestAdapterClient(HttpClient httpClient) {
    return new ApacheHttpRestAdapterClient(httpClient);

  public ApacheHttpRestAdapterClient apacheCustomConfigHttpRestAdapterClient(
          Supplier<AdapterConfig> configSupplierFunc,
          HttpClient httpClient) {
    return new ApacheHttpRestAdapterClient(configSupplierFunc, httpClient);

  public ApacheHttpRestAdapterClient apacheHttpRestAdapterClientWithReqFactory(
          Supplier<AdapterConfig> configSupplierFunc,
          ClientHttpRequestFactory clientHttpRequestFactory) {
    return new ApacheHttpRestAdapterClient(configSupplierFunc, clientHttpRequestFactory);

  public SimpleHttpRestAdapterClient simpleHttpRestAdapterClient() {
    return new SimpleHttpRestAdapterClient();

  public SimpleHttpRestAdapterClient simpleHttpRestAdapterClientWithConfig(
          Supplier<AdapterConfig> configSupplierFunc) {
    return new SimpleHttpRestAdapterClient(configSupplierFunc);

  //SOAP BEANS - <editor-fold desc="SOAP BEANS">
  public SimpleSoapAdapterClient simpleSoapAdapterClient(
          Supplier<AdapterConfig> configSupplierFunc, String marshallerContextPath) {
    return new SimpleSoapAdapterClient(configSupplierFunc, marshallerContextPath);

  public ApacheHttpSoapAdapterClient apacheHttpSoapAdapterClient(
          Supplier<AdapterConfig> configSupplierFunc,
          String marshallerContextPath) {
    return new ApacheHttpSoapAdapterClient(configSupplierFunc, marshallerContextPath);

  public ApacheHttpSoapAdapterClient apacheCustomHttpSoapAdapterClient(
          Supplier<AdapterConfig> configSupplierFunc,
          HttpClient httpClient, String marshallerContextPath) {
    return new ApacheHttpSoapAdapterClient(configSupplierFunc,
            httpClient, marshallerContextPath);

  public ApacheHttpSoapAdapterClient apacheHttpSoapAdapterClientWithSender(
          Supplier<AdapterConfig> configSupplierFunc, WebServiceMessageSender webServiceMessageSender,
          String marshallerContextPath) {
    return new ApacheHttpSoapAdapterClient(configSupplierFunc, webServiceMessageSender,

  public ApacheHttpSoapAdapterClient apacheHttpSoapAdapterClientWithMarshaller(
          Supplier<AdapterConfig> configSupplierFunc,
          WebServiceMessageSender webServiceMessageSender,
          Marshaller marshaller,
          Unmarshaller unmarshaller,
          String marshallerContextPath) {
    return new ApacheHttpSoapAdapterClient(configSupplierFunc,
            webServiceMessageSender, marshaller, unmarshaller, marshallerContextPath);

  public ApacheHttpSoapAdapterClient apacheHttpSoapAdapterClientWitMarshallAndMsgFactory(
          Supplier<AdapterConfig> configSupplierFunc,
          WebServiceMessageSender webServiceMessageSender,
          Marshaller marshaller,
          Unmarshaller unmarshaller,
          WebServiceMessageFactory webServiceMessageFactory,
          String marshallerContextPath) {
    return new ApacheHttpSoapAdapterClient(configSupplierFunc,
            webServiceMessageSender, marshaller, unmarshaller, webServiceMessageFactory,


Example Service Bean Configuration

Use get,post,put,delete or patch method of RestAdapter to send request to the endpoint.

package com.inomera.mirketadapter;

import static com.inomera.middleware.config.HttpBeanConfiguration.BEAN_APACHE_HTTP_REST_CLIENT_WITH_CONFIG;
import static com.inomera.middleware.config.HttpBeanConfiguration.BEAN_APACHE_HTTP_SOAP_CLIENT;
import static com.inomera.telco.commons.config.spring.BeanNames.BEAN_CONFIGURATION_HOLDER;

import com.inomera.adapter.config.bridge.DynamicAdapterConfigDataBridgeSupplierHandler;
import com.inomera.integration.config.AdapterConfigDataSupplier;
import com.inomera.integration.config.model.AdapterConfig;
import com.inomera.middleware.client.soap.ApacheHttpSoapAdapterClient;
import com.inomera.mirketadapter.soap.CountryAdapter;
import com.inomera.mirketadapter.soap.CountryAdapterImpl;
import com.inomera.telco.commons.config.ConfigurationHolder;
import com.inomera.telco.commons.lang.Assert;
import generated.countryinfoservice.CountryInfoService;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.condition.ConditionalOnClass;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;

public class MirketAdapterBeanConfiguration {

  private static final String CONFIG_MIRKET_KEY = "config.adapter.mirket.v1";
  private static final String CONFIG_COUNTRY_KEY = "";

  final ApplicationContext applicationContext;

  public MirketAdapterBeanConfiguration(ApplicationContext applicationContext) {
    this.applicationContext = applicationContext;

  public MirketAdapter mirketAdapter(AdapterConfigDataSupplier adapterConfigDataSupplier) {
    Supplier<AdapterConfig> configSupplierFunc = () -> adapterConfigDataSupplier.getConfigV1(
    final ApacheHttpRestAdapterClient apacheHttpRestAdapterClient = (ApacheHttpRestAdapterClient) applicationContext.getBean(
            BEAN_APACHE_HTTP_REST_CLIENT_WITH_CONFIG, configSupplierFunc);
    Assert.notNull(apacheHttpRestAdapterClient, "Mirket ApacheHttpRestAdapterClient cannot be NULL");
    return new MirketAdapterImpl(configSupplierFunc, apacheHttpRestAdapterClient);

  public CountryAdapter countryAdapter(AdapterConfigDataSupplier adapterConfigDataSupplier) {
    Supplier<AdapterConfig> configSupplierFunc = () -> adapterConfigDataSupplier.getConfigV1(

    final ApacheHttpSoapAdapterClient soapAdapterClient = (ApacheHttpSoapAdapterClient) applicationContext.getBean(
            BEAN_APACHE_HTTP_SOAP_CLIENT, configSupplierFunc, CountryInfoService.class.getPackage().getName());
    Assert.notNull(soapAdapterClient, "Country ApacheHttpSoapAdapterClient cannot be NULL");
    return new CountryAdapterImpl(configSupplierFunc, soapAdapterClient);

  public AdapterConfigDataSupplier adapterConfigDataSupplier() {
    final ConfigurationHolder configurationHolder = (ConfigurationHolder) applicationContext.getBean(
    Assert.notNull(configurationHolder, "ConfigurationHolder cannot be NULL");
    return new DynamicAdapterConfigDataBridgeSupplierHandler(configurationHolder);

Adapter General Usage Concerns

  1. Separate Models for Generated Code and MS Usage
    Models generated from external sources and those used within the microservice (MS) must be distinct.
  • For instance, request/response objects specific to the adapter should be created by developers within the adapter package.
  • Generated models (e.g., from WSDL/XSD) should not be directly used within the MS.
  1. Naming Standards for Adapter Models
  • Models for the adapter must adhere to naming conventions. Any naming inconsistencies in the generated models must be corrected within the adapter layer.
  • Java naming conventions should be followed, and special characters should be avoided in field names.
  1. Adapter Abstraction and Customer Interfaces
  • Beside the Soap/Rest Adapter (abstraction), a customer-specific interface for the microservice should be created.
  • For reference, see sample projects like example/ms-example.
  1. Constructor Consistency in Implementation Classes
  • Ensure that all capabilities provided by constructors in the SoapAdapter class are implemented in the derived class.
  • These should ideally be achieved with all constructors.
  1. Integration Tests
  • Comprehensive integration tests must be included.
  1. WSDL and XSD Files
  • WSDL and XSD files must be placed under the resources directory.
  • Avoid referencing WSDL URLs directly in build.gradle files.
  1. Generated Files Placement
  • Files generated for SOAP should be placed under a dedicated package with a generated prefix.
  • Example: Include these files outside the source code, within a package like generated.<package_name>.
  • This step is optional but ensures consistency and separation of concerns.

Dynamic Config Definitions

Common Config

  "key": "config.adapter.common.v1",
  "adapterProperties": {
    "logging": {
      "strategy": "REQ_RES",
      "sensitiveFields": [
      "nonLoggingFields": [
    "headers": {
    "http": {
      "requestTimeout": 30000,
      "connectTimeout": 10000,
      "idleConnectionsTimeout": 180000,
      "maxConnections": 10,
      "maxConnPerRoute": 10,
      "poolConcurrencyPolicy": "LAX",
      "timeToLive": 60000,
      "skipSsl": true,
      "redirectsEnable": true
    "auth": {
      "type": "NONE"

Rest Adapter Config

  "key": "config.adapter.mirket.v1",
  "adapterProperties": {
    "auth": {
      "type": "BEARER",
      "username": "username",
      "password": "password",
      "url": "",
      "grantType": "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer",
      "ttl": 3600000,
      "scope": "",
      "clientId": "client_id",
      "clientSecret": "client_secret",
      "contentType": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
      "accept": "application/json",
      "tokenJsonPath": "$.access_token"
    "headers": {
      "X-GW-TOKEN": ""
    "http": {
      "requestTimeout": 30000,
      "connectTimeout": 10000,
      "idleConnectionsTimeout": 60000,
      "maxConnections": 50,
      "maxConnPerRoute": 50,
      "poolConcurrencyPolicy": "LAX",
      "timeToLive": 60000,
      "skipSsl": true,
      "redirectsEnable": true
    "logging": {
      "strategy": "REQ_RES",
      "sensitiveFields": [
      "nonLoggingFields": [
    "url": ""

Soap Adapter Config

  "key": "",
  "adapterProperties": {
    "logging": {
      "strategy": "REQ_RES",
      "sensitiveFields": [
      "nonLoggingFields": [
    "url": "",
    "headers": {
      "SOAPAction": "CountryNameResponse"
    "http": {
      "requestTimeout": 30000,
      "connectTimeout": 10000,
      "idleConnectionsTimeout": 60000,
      "maxConnections": 50,
      "maxConnPerRoute": 50,
      "poolConcurrencyPolicy": "LAX",
      "timeToLive": 60000,
      "skipSsl": true,
      "redirectsEnable": true
    "auth": {
      "type": "BASIC",
      "username": "inomera",
      "password": "inomera"

Configuring SSL with PEM-encoded Certificates

To configure SSL in our integration adapters using PEM-encoded certificates, add the following properties to your file:

Example Configuration

For embedding an SSL certificate in a keystore:

  "http": {\
    "skipSsl": false,\
    "ssl": {\
      "pem": {\
        "truststore": {\
          "certificate": "file:/Users/johndoe/mirket-certs/*"\
        "keystore": {\
          "certificate": "file:/Users/johndoe/mirket-certs/*",\
          "privateKey": "file:/Users/johndoe/mirket-certs/private/application.key",\
          "privateKeyPassword": "your_private_key_password_here"\

Configuration Details

  • truststore.certificate: This property accepts a glob pattern to match all certificate files. The certificates matched by the pattern will be combined into the truststore.
  • keystore.certificate: Path to the PEM-encoded certificate file.
  • keystore.privateKey: Path to the PEM-encoded private key file.
  • keystore.privateKeyPassword: Password used to decrypt the private key, if it is encrypted.
  • skipSsl: Set to false to enable SSL.

Using PEM Content Directly

PEM content can also be used directly for both the certificate and privateKey properties. If the property values contain BEGIN and END markers, they will be treated as PEM content rather than a resource location.

  "http": {\
    "skipSsl": false,\
    "ssl": {\
      "pem": {\
        "truststore": {\
          "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIID1zCCAr+gAwIBAgIUNM5QQv8IzVQsgSmmdPQNaqyzWs4wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEL\nBQAwezELMAkGA1UEBhMCWFgxEjAQBgNVBAgMCVN0YXRlTmFtZTERMA8GA1UEBwwI\n... (rest of certificate content) ...\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----"\
        "keystore": {\
          "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIID1zCCAr+gAwIBAgIUNM5QQv8IzVQsgSmmdPQNaqyzWs4wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEL\nBQAwezELMAkGA1UEBhMCWFgxEjAQBgNVBAgMCVN0YXRlTmFtZTERMA8GA1UEBwwI\n... (rest of certificate content) ...\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----",\
          "privateKey": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIIEvQIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCBKcwggSjAgEAAoIBAQD... (rest of private key content) ...\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----",\
          "privateKeyPassword": "your_private_key_password_here"\

This configuration ensures that SSL is set up using PEM-encoded certificates and private keys, and the settings are read from a JSON value in the file.