Various useful Moonloader lua scripts for GTA SA-MP multiplayer.
The presented systems were developed or improved by me, and implemented in working projects.
Moonloader is a mod for the GTA San Andreas game, aiming to become a complete modern replacement for CLEO.
It introduces the ability to load Lua scripts into the game, has all the functionality of the game's opcodes, the CLEO 4 library, the SAMPFUNCS 5.4+ plugin, SAMP.Lua and adds its own set of new features for development.
You can download all the necessary libraries at once from samp-essentials repository
Name | Description |
Abike | Pressing W on the bike automatically accelerates it |
AbsoluteFix | A set of fixes and additions for Absolute Play servers |
AbsoluteForumChecker | Forum checker for Absolute Play servers |
absTXDNames | Adds names for objects and textures in the map editor on Absolute Play |
AutoForward | Script for automatic movement by car (cruise control), and autoforward on foot |
AutoLock | Simple vehicle auto lock |
Bye-bye | Crash yourself by /bb cmd |
Clickwarp | Fork of original clickwarp by FYP updated for Absolute Play (only for event-makers) |
DriftСameraLock | Lock camera behind player on vehicle (DriftCam) |
FriendsList | It notifies you when a friend comes online or quits |
GangWarNotifer | Notifies if gangwar has started for the territory |
GPSoff | Add cmd /gpsoff to disable /gps checkpoints |
Renderobjects | A convenient tool for mappers, allows you to quickly find the desired object |
MappingToolkit | In-game assistant for mappers and event makers |
mini-calc | A simple calculator with a minimal set of functions |
ModCompatibilityChecker | Checks the mods that can cause crashes |
moonloader-templates | templates and snippets for moonloader |
MP helper | Helper for event makers |
noEmptyMessages | Ignores sending and receiving empty chat messages |
noGameTexts | Hides annoying gametext in the middle of the screen on the UIF server |
noPostFX.lua | Disables post-processing (Post-FX) and fix dark timecycle |
separate-messages | separate long chat messages at Arizona-Roleplay |
SkipCarRent | Skip car rent dialog on Arizona-Roleplay server |
STO-helper | Unreleased Assistant for service station mechanics at Arizona-Roleplay |
Training-autologin | Autologin for TRAINING-SANDBOX |
Training-loadvw | Adds arguments to the /loadvw command on TRAINING-SANDBOX |
weapon-check | Weapon-checker for TRAINING-SANDBOX |
Disclaimer: All rights to modified scripts belong to their respective owners (specified in the description).