This project contains Phidgets Interface Asset for Intuiface Player & IntuiFace Composer.
The Phidgets Interface Asset enable you to communicate with Phidgets sensors and controllers from an Intuiface experience. This Interface Asset was developed to communicate with an 8/8/8 Interface Kit, meaning it handles:
- 8 Logical inputs (ex: a button)
- 8 Analog inputs (ex: distance sensor)
- 8 Logical outputs (ex: a LED)

It comes with a default Design Accelerator that will enable you to test your Phidget Interface Kit within Intuiface Composer quickly.
For more information, check the online documentation for using Phidgets within Intuiface

To be able to add Phidgets Interface Assets in Intuiface Composer, follow these steps:
- Close all Intuiface Composer running instances.
- Download the latest released package here
- Extract the archive and copy the Phidgets folder to the path "[Drive]:\Users\[UserName]\Documents\Intuiface\Interface Assets",
- Install the driver from
- Launch Intuiface Composer,
- Add an Interface Asset and when you enter "Phidget" in the search bar, you can see the Phidget 8-8-8 Interface Asset.
See more information on our support webpage: using Phidgets within Intuiface
PREREQUISITES: you must have Visual Studio 2010 and .NET 4 installed.
The code language for Phidgets Interface Assets is C#.
To build this project, follow these steps:
- Open Phidgets.sln in Visual Studio 2010 or above,
- Build the solution in Release mode,
- Navigate to the root of the project, you can see a folder called OutputAssemblies which contains all the Phidgets Interface Assets.
Copyright © 2015 IntuiLab.
Released under the MIT License.