A lightweight .NBS song player for PocketMine Servers
When downloaded from poggit, none.
When manually installing from source, you must install the virions
- Add the plugin to the
folder - Put your .nbs files into the generated "songs" folder and restart the server
- The songs will automatically start to play when a player joins the server
Use /radio
to open the radio interface
Use /radio next
to skip the current song (global)
Use /radio volume
to change your volume (per player)
Use /radio pause
to pause or unpause playback (global)
Use /radio select
to play a specific song (global)
- Change the radio interface to allow searching ✔, skipping ✔, looping songs or playlists
- Add looping ✔, toggle shuffle mode ✔, playlists ✔, per-user songs
- World settings (plobably done via external plugin)
You can find a collection of .nbs songs here: https://forums.pmmp.io/threads/200-nbs-songs.294/
Make sure to check a few things before creating an issue
- Your installation of PocketMine (pmmp) works properly, and is an official version. No support on custom builds or forks.
- You have the latest version of PocketRadio. Issues based on outdated releases will be closed as invalid
- You run a release version from poggit or the releases tab. Self-compiled versions are not supported.