Metadata from Furniture Products On-Sale for 363 sites.
This version is built on 10.07.2023 using, and you can see the format by the provided samples.
The list of sites scraped is the shopify_sites.csv file. At the time of build, some sites were down, or some took extremely long to scrape everything. So the actual list is the content list of the ./data directory from the database.tar.gz archive.
Extracted size is 15.3 GB.
Each JSON file here includes at least 1 product.
Never seen a 2.5 GB JSON file before? Here is how to read it without blowing up your RAM:
import bigjson
def parse_site(filename: str):
if filename.endswith(".json"):
with open(os.path.join(get_database_path(), filename), 'rb') as json_file:
if json_file.readable():
json_stream = bigjson.load(json_file)
site_key = json_stream.keys()[0]
collection_names = json_stream[site_key].keys()
print("Found", len(collection_names), "collections in", filename)
with open(os.path.join(get_dataset_path(), site_key + "_index.json"), "w") as index_file:
stripped_store_data = {}
for collection_name in tqdm(collection_names):
stripped_store_data[collection_name] = []
for product in json_stream[site_key][collection_name]:
stripped_product = {}
stripped_product["title"] = product["Name"]
stripped_product["price"] = product["Price"]
stripped_product["category"] = product["Category"]
json.dump(stripped_store_data, index_file)