This is a special configuration of the KoSIT Validator.
If you think you have found a bug, please contact us.
Existing issues can be found at our issue tracker.
You can find packaged releases on our GitLab project.
This validator uses the latest Peppol BIS 2024-11 rules.
This is the "November 2024" release announced on 2024-11-18.
It is valid per 2025-02-17 00:00 CST.
The next Peppol update is foreseen in Q2 2025.
Please note: this configuration uses validation artefacts published by OpenPeppol (OpenPeppol - GitHub). Please use the Peppol Service desk to report any issues related to the validation. KoSIT is offering this configuration of the KoSIT Validator, but excludes any liability.
Required tools:
- curl
- unzip
As a prerequisite you need the KoSIT Validator to run it.
# download validator
curl -L "" --output
# unzip the validator (ensure the target directory "bin" is empty before unzipping)
unzip -d bin/
Required tools:
- Java 11+
Verify all examples files (test-files/good/*.xml
) and produced HTML output to directory result-reports/
- all of them should be valid:
java -jar bin/validationtool-1.5.0-standalone.jar -s scenarios.xml -r "" -h -o result-reports/ test-files/good/ubl/*.xml
Note: eventually you need to explicitly use "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java"
on Windows
Validator 1.5.0 help:
Usage: KoSIT Validator [-?dX] [-l <logLevel>] [-r repository-path]... -s
scenario.xml [-s scenario.xml]... [[-D] [-H <host>] [-P
<port>] [-T <workerCount>] [-G]] [[-o <outputPath>] [-h]
[--serialize-report-input] [-c assertions-file]
[--report-postfix <reportPostfix>] [--report-prefix
<reportPrefix>] [-m] [-p] <files>...]
Structural and semantic validation of xml files
-?, --help display this help message
-d, --debug Prints some more debug information
-l, --log-level <logLevel>
Enables a certain log level for debugging purposes
-r, --repository repository-path
Directory containing scenario content
-s, --scenarios scenario.xml
Location of scenarios.xml
-X, --debug-logging Enables full debug log. Alias for -l debug
Daemon options
-D, --daemon Starts a daemon listing for validation requests
-G, --disable-gui Disables the GUI of the daemon mode
-H, --host <host> The hostname / IP address to bind the daemon.
Default: localhost
-P, --port <port> The port to bind the daemon.
Default: 8080
-T, --threads <workerCount>
Number of threads processing validation requests.
Default depends on processor count
CLI usage options
<files>... Files to validate
-c, --check-assertions assertions-file
Check the result using defined assertions
-h, --html, --extract-html
Extract and save any html content within result as a
separate file
-m, --memory-stats Prints some memory stats
-o, --output-directory <outputPath>
Defines the out directory for results.
-p, --print Prints the check result to stdout
--report-postfix <reportPostfix>
Postfix of the generated report name
--report-prefix <reportPrefix>
Prefix of the generated report name
Serializes the report input to the cwd
Required tools:
- zip
zip -r -9 scenarios.xml resources/*