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A tiny simple programming language made for simplicity. It borrows syntax from 'go', 'rust' and 'typescript'


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Walrus Programming Language

Walrus is a tiny and simple programming language designed for simplicity. Its syntax draws inspiration from Go, Rust, and TypeScript.

Language Design Principles

  1. Expressive: Just look at the code and you can tell what's going on without jumping around codes.
  2. Beginner friendly
  3. Distinct behavior for every things (most of the cases). Like in other language type cast often uses int(2.4) or (int)2.4; which looks like function calls. We have separate keyword 'as' for type casting like typescript keeping it as unambiguous as we can.
  4. Less over complications: we removed OOP instead used structs which support methods, access modifiers and has interfaces with duck typing. We have simple approach.



  • Tokenizes the source code for parsing.


  • Handles syntactic analysis for:
    • Builtin types
      • Signed Integers: i8, i16, i32, i64, i128
      • Unsigned Intergers: u8, u16, u32, u64, u128
      • Floats: f32, f64
      • String: str
      • Null: null
      • Void: void
      • Map: map[key]value
      • Range: type..type for example i32..i32
    • Variable Declaration and Assignment
      • Mutable variables with let
      • Constant variables with const
      • Multiple variable declarations in one line
    • Expressions
      • Unary: -, !
      • Additive: +, -
      • Multiplicative: *, /, %, ^
      • Grouping: ( )
      • Type casting using as
    • Data Structures
      • Arrays: Indexing and assignment
      • Maps: Indexing and key-value assignments
    • Conditionals
      • if, else if, else
    • Functions
      • Declaration, calls, return values
      • Optional parameters
      • First-class functions and closures
    • User-Defined Types
      • Structs: Property access and assignment
      • Interfaces: Definition, implementation, and usage
    • Operators
      • Increment/Decrement: Prefix and Postfix
      • Assignment: +=, -=, *=, /=, %=
    • Additional Constructs
      • Switch statements
      • For loops (syntax under development)
    • Rich Error Reporting
      • Displays multiple errors during parsing and type checking

Note: Currently the parser is based on pratt parsing. Structs{}, maps{}, if expr {}, else {}, have same structure so it's hard to distinguish them. If you have any idea to distinguish them, please let us know.

Type Checking

  • Ensures type safety across all constructs.
  • Handles all parser-supported features except for loops and imports (in progress).

Code Generation

  • Planned for future releases.

Installation and Usage

Install Go

To run the compiler, you need to have go installed. You can download it from here

Testing a walrus file

To test a walrus file, you need to open main.go and change the filePath variable to the path of the file you want to test.

func main() {
    filePath := "filename.wal"
    // ... rest of the code

Then run the following command

go run main.go

Or, if you're on windows then you can run the batch file run.bat


Running the tests

To run the tests, run the following command

go test ./...

Or, if you're on windows then you can run the batch file test.bat


Installing syntax highlighting for vscode

To install local build, go to language-support directory and run the following command

npm install -g vsce

Build the extension

If you don't have node installed, you can download it from here Then run the following command

vsce package
code --install-extension walrus-<full-output-name>.vsix

Or open vscode, go to extensions and click on the three dots on the top right corner and click on 'Install from VSIX' and select the generated vsix file.

Install from marketplace

Or, you can install the extension from the marketplace here Or, Search for 'Walrus' in the vscode extensions marketplace.


Variable declare and assign

// Declare a variable with let or const keyword
let a := 10; // The variable is mutable and its type is inferred from the value e.g. i32
const pi := 3.14; // constant variable with type f32

// Declare a variable with type
let b: i32 = 20; // The variable is mutable and its type is i32
const c: f32 = 3.14; // constant variable with type f32

let unsigned: u32 = 10; // Unsigned integer of 32 bits

You can also declare multiple variables in a single line

//multiple variable declaration in one line
// with type
let t1: i32 = 43, t2: f32 = 3.5, t3: str;
// without type
let t4 := 43, t5 := 3.14, t6 := "hello";

Variable assign

let a := 10;
a = 20; // Assign a new value to a


let a := 10;
let b := 20;
let c := a + b; // c = 30
let d := a * b; // d = 200
let e := a / b; // e = 0.5
let f := a % b; // f = 10
let g := a ^ b; // g = 100000000000000000000
let h := -a; // h = -10
let i := !true; // i = false


let a := 10;
let b := 20;
let c := (a + b) * 2; // c = 60

Type cast

Type must be explicit in walrus. Type cast is done using 'as' keyword. For example, we cannot assign to a 8 bit integer to a 32 bit integer and vice versa. We need to cast the type. But when we declare a variable with explicit type, the value is implicitly casted to the type.

let a := 10;
let b := a as f32; // b = 10.0 as float32


let a := [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; // Array of integers. One dimensional array
let b := a[0]; // b = 1
a[0] = 10; // a = [10, 2, 3, 4, 5]

// Array of arrays
let c := [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]; // Array of arrays of integers
let d := c[0][0]; // d = 1
c[0][0] = 10; // c = [[10, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]


let myMap : map[str]i32 = $map[str]i32 {
    "a" => 10,
    "b" => 20,
    "c" => 30

let a := myMap["a"]; // a = 10
myMap["a"] = 20; // myMap = {"a": 20, "b": 20, "c": 30}


type Person struct{
    name: str;
    age: i32;

//Assign the type with @Name syntax. So we can distinguish between type and variable.
let p := @Person {
    name: "John",
    age: 20

// We could also assign the type with type inference
let p : Person = @Person { // Here 'Person' is the type, @Person is the type instance
    name: "John",
    age: 20

Struct property access

let p := @Person {
    name: "John",
    priv age: 20 // Private property

let name :=; // name = "John"
let age := p.age; // Error: Cannot access private property


let a := 10;
let b := 20;

if a > b {
    print("a is greater than b");
} else if a < b {
    print("a is less than b");
} else {
    print("a is equal to b");


fn add(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
    ret a + b;

let sum := add(10, 20); // sum = 30

// function with optional parameters
fn add(a: i32, b: i32, c?: i32 = 0) -> i32 {
    ret a + b + c;

let sum := add(10, 20); // sum = 30

// functions are first class citizens so we can assign them to variables
let adder := add;

let sum := adder(10, 20); // sum = 30

// function with closure
fn add(a: i32) -> fn(i32) -> i32 {
    ret fn(b: i32) -> i32 {
        ret a + b;

let adder := add(10);
let sum := adder(20); // sum = 30


Closures in simple terms are functions which are defined inside another function. They can access the variables of the parent function. So when you return a function from a function, it is called a closure.

fn closure(a: i32) -> fn (b: i32) -> i32 {
    //return a function which takes an integer and returns the sum of a and b
    ret fn (b: i32) -> i32 {
        ret a + b;

const addRes := add(1);

const closureRes1 := closure(1); // returns a function which returns a + b
const closureRes2 := closureRes1(2); // returns a + b
const closureRes3 := closure(1)(2); // one liner version of the above two lines

User defined types

types are user defined data types. They can be structs, or a function signature or a wrapper around a built-in type.

type Circle struct {
    radius: f32;

type FnType fn(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32;

type WrapperInt i32;

let c := @Circle {
    radius: 10.0

let f: FnType = fn(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
    ret a + b;

let w: WrapperInt = 10;


let a := 10;
let b := ++a; // b = 11, a = 11
let c := a++; // c = 11, a = 12
let d := --a; // d = 11, a = 11
let e := a--; // e = 11, a = 10

Assignment operators

let a := 10;
a += 10; // a = 20
a -= 10; // a = 10
a *= 10; // a = 100
a /= 10; // a = 10
a %= 10; // a = 0

For loop

Syntax is not finalized yet


let a := 10;

switch a {
    case 10: {
        print("a is 10");
    case 20: {
        print("a is 20");
    default: {
        print("a is neither 10 nor 20");


Interfaces are a way to define a contract that a type must implement. It is a way to achieve polymorphism in the language.

type Shape interface {
    fn area() -> f32;

Implementing a interface for a struct

type Printable interface {
    fn print();

type Person struct {
    name: str;
    age: i32;

impl Person {
    fn print() {
        print("Name: ",, " Age: ", this.age);

let p := @Person {
    name: "John",
    age: 20

fn printPerson(p: Printable) {


  • Variable declaration and assignment
  • Expressions
  • Data structures
  • Conditionals
  • Functions
  • User-defined types
  • Structs
  • Interfaces
  • Unary operators
  • Increment/Decrement operators
  • Assignment operators
  • Grouping
  • Type casting
  • Array
  • Map
  • Range
  • Rich error reporting
  • Branch analysis
  • For loops
  • While loops
  • Switch statements
  • Imports and modules
  • Nullable or optional types or pointers or references
  • Generics
  • Advanced code generation
  • Error handling

Stay tuned for updates and contribute to the project!


A tiny simple programming language made for simplicity. It borrows syntax from 'go', 'rust' and 'typescript'



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