Releases: ixa-ehu/ixa-pipe-nerc
Releases · ixa-ehu/ixa-pipe-nerc
removing dependencies from default maven build
TCP server and 1.6.0 opennlp dependency
1.5.4 minor doc update
super sense bugfix in pom
pom bugfix and Turkish I bugfix when converting to lowercase in cluster features.
Major restructuring, api change, OTE added
1.5.0 ote models update in doc
1.4.0 models
adding basque to readme
maven central release
Released to maven central repository, plus git commit now added to header and documentation update to reflect these changes.
tag subparser adaptive feature generator
Bug found and fixed about the statistical name finder not clearing the adaptive features for each document. This led to degrading performance after some sentences were tagged.
1.3.1: better serialization and feature engineering
This release provides better serialization and better specification of features.
dictionary features and 5 languages
This release adds dictionary based features to boost the performance of NERC models. It also provides new competitive models for 3 more languages: Dutch, German and Italian.