Please refer to our wiki page for more information!
If this system is still a private repo, please follow the link and clone the repo through your github token:
git clone https://<your_private_token>
install nvm to control the nodejs version:
curl -o- | bash
source ~/.bashrc
nvm install 16
CodeQL need to be installed for two reason: 1/ compared with slient-spring 2/could us find the sink in the codebase as an prelimiary selection. I recommand install both codeql cli and codeql plugin for vscode.
To download the codeql cli, we can just download its release file:
cd ~
cd /path/to/ppaeg/silent-spring/codeql/queries
/path/to/codeql/codeql pack install
Setup the codeql database for each codebase placed in the ./dataset/ppaeg-codeql:
cd /path/to/ppaeg/ppaeg-codeql/
bash ./dataset/ppaeg-codeql/
download dependency for codebases in the dataset at different location:
bash ./scripts/ ./dataset/ppgadgets
bash ./scripts/ ./dataset/pptestunits
bash ./scripts/ /home/ubuntu/ppaeg/expoSE+/pptests/template_engines
To set the dependency for ExpoSE+:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install build-essential
cd expoSE+
npm install # this will take 20 mins
cd node_modules/z3javascript
run npm build
ExpoSE+ is a our concolic execution engine for javascript, capable of symbolically executing designated variables while concretely executing a program. The primary aim of this execution engine is to detect prototype pollution gadgets. Depending on the specific task or goal, ExpoSE+ offers multiple execution options.
In this mode, ExpoSE+ concolically executes a program with specified symbolic variables. This mode is often used for ExpoSE+ engine utility testing and test replay.
how to specify the symbolic variable:
For regular use, specify it directly in the test program. Refer to the following code snippet:
// test.js var S$ = require('/path/to/S$'); var symbol = S$.pureSymbol('symbol'); function test(symbol){ //... } test()
For test replay, to make the backend aware of the under-testing undefined property, use the API to pollute the prototype as shown below:
var S$ = require('/path/to/S$'); var propName = 'xxx'; var propValue = S$.pureSymbol('xxx_undef'); Object._expose.setupASymbol(propName, propValue);
how to specify the initial input for the symbolic variables
You can specify the initial input via the command line argument:
(FIXME: there is no reason that we cannot specify the input in the test file and with the definition of the symbolic variables)
./expoSE --input "{\"symbol_t\": \"array_string\", \"symbol\": [\"astring\"], \"_bound\": 1}" test.js
This mode is designed to discover the main property of the test file given a set of undefined properties identified through our instrumented Node.js.
how to specify the symbolic variable:
Initial undefined properties can be specified through the command line argument like this:
./expoSE --undefined-utq /path/to/temp-ut.json test.js
Format of
should resemble the example below. Each array item in the JSON object will be tested separately as a group of undefined properties. This file can be automatically generated fromundefined-props.json
through thefind-undefined-node/convert-ut.js
script.// /path/to/temp-ut.json [ [ "_handle" ], [ "initialize" ], [ "value" ] ]
how to specify the symbolic input:
Currently, ExpoSE+ does not support providing input for each undefined property. They all will start as a
and determine their type and value based on the path constraints.
This mode will also enqueue potential helper properties for testing while discovering the main property for the test file.
how to specify the symbolic variable:
In addition to the
argument, also include the--patch
argument../expoSE --patch --undefined-utq /path/to/temp-ut.json test.js
how to specify the symbolic input:
Similar to the main property only option, we don't think it is necessary to specify the input for the main undefined property under testing or the helper property.
This mode will enqueue potential chained properties for testing while discovering the main property for the test file. This option is compatible with the patching property option.
how to specify the symbolic variable:
argument, we will also add--chain
argument. Also,--undefined-file
argument is needed as we will add the newly discovered undefined properties that are not in the initial undefined pool to the test queue../expoSE --chain --undefined-file /path/to/undefined-props.json --undefined-utq /path/to/temp-ut.json test.js
file should has the following format. The file is automatically generated by executingfind-undefined-node/extract-key.js
script on the raw output of the instrumented nodejs.{ "itemAlias": "/home/ubuntu/ppaeg/expoSE+/tests-pp/templates-6-15/node-blade/node_modules/blade/lib/compiler.js", "prependSpace": "/home/ubuntu/ppaeg/expoSE+/tests-pp/templates-6-15/node-blade/node_modules/blade/lib/compiler.js", "line": "/home/ubuntu/ppaeg/expoSE+/tests-pp/templates-6-15/node-blade/node_modules/blade/lib/compiler.js" }
how to specify the symbolic input:
Similar to the main property only option, we don't think it is necessary to specify the input for the main undefined property under testing or the helper property.