Collect Statistics of all WiFi traffic on a Raspberry Pi 3B utilizing the Nexmon wifi driver.
Step 1: Start with a fresh image of raspian. Complete setup upon switching on. Be sure to set your timezone.
Step 2: Do any updates. Be sure to reboot in case it upgrades kernel.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo reboot
Step 3: Install Nexmon WiFi Driver for monitor mode.
cd /home/pi
git clone
cd wifi_monitor
sudo su root
chmod 777
Step 4: Add the following configuration code to /etc/rc.local before the 'exit 0' line
iw phy `iw dev wlan0 info | gawk '/wiphy/ {printf "phy" $2}'` interface add mon0 type monitor
ifconfig mon0 up
Step 5: Finally
sudo apt-get install python-pip
sudo pip install scapy datetime
cd /home/pi/wifi_monitor
sudo chmod +x
sudo chmod +x
sudo chmod +x
sudo reboot
Step 6: Create service that starts monitor on boot (Optional)
cd /home/pi/wifi_monitor
sudo cp wifi-monitor.service /etc/systemd/system/wifi-monitor.service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable wifi-monitor
sudo reboot
To check on the status of the service run: sudo systemctl status wifi-monitor
You can find the data in "/home/pi/wifi_monitor/data/". It will be sorted by day and hour.
In the terminal call the script like the following:
sudo ./ > output.log
For every packet detected this will save the MAC address alongside the time into the file output.log.
sudo ./ | ./ "data"
This will save the output in files under the directory "data" sorted by date and the hour of day. e.g. data/2018-08-02/14.log Will contain all the mac addresses logged between 2:00pm and 3:00pm on the 2nd aug 2018.
The benefet of doing this is to speed up the time to query the data especially as the data set grows over time.