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Known issues with the Renault API

James Muscat edited this page Feb 19, 2020 · 10 revisions

This list details some of the known issues and inconsistencies identified with Renault's API, or the Atos/Worldline connected-car system that underpins it. These are not bugs with Pyze, so please don't raise issues about them (unless they're causing problems in Pyze and we need to introduce a workaround).

General issues

Status does not update, car does not respond to commands

  • The Zoe will not update its status in "deep sleep" - about ten minutes after you lock the car, unless it's charging. It will periodically wake from this state when plugged in, or if it receives some commands (such as "start preconditioning").
  • The telematic control unit (TCU) in the Zoe can be flaky and sometimes needs a reset before it will talk to Renault's servers.

Some endpoints return 403 (Access is denied for this resource)

  • You need the correct sort of ZE subscription to be able to access some endpoints. For reasons unlikely to become clear, Renault split access to the API into two packages, in the UK called "MY ZE Connect with navigation" and the improbably-spelled "MY ZE Inter@ctive". One's supposedly for read-only access, and one is supposed to also allow preconditioning and charge scheduling. You get both when you buy the car(!). Make sure both are active on your account.
  • It takes a long time for Renault's systems to update to reflect account changes. If you've recently signed up or renewed a subscription, try again tomorrow.
  • Sometimes stuff just stops working. Try logging in again, or waiting until tomorrow.

Some endpoints return 50x errors (Bad Gateway, Service Unavailable, etc.)

  • These tend to be transient errors on Renault's end that disappear after a few hours.

Battery status

Available data is inconsistent or incorrect

Charge history

Data is not available

  • Sometimes this endpoint returns an empty list. (I've never seen any data there, but others have.)

Available data is inconsistent

  • Sometimes chargeStartTime will be missing, even if there's a chargeEndTime.

Charge schedule

Changes sometimes have no effect

  • Regularly (maybe 1 in 2, maybe 2 in 3 requests), changes made with a POST to actions/charge-schedule are acknowledged by the server, but never make it as far as the vehicle. (This is true for both v1 and v2 of the API.)
    • Often in this scenario, the old ZE Services API shows the new schedule as DRAFT - there appears to be no equivalent of the "send to car and activate" function that the ZE API had to rectify this problem.

Charge stats

Data is not available

  • Sometimes this endpoint returns an empty list. (I've never seen any data there, but others have.)
  • Currently (2020-01-23) this endpoint is broken at Renault's end and returns a 500 Server Error: java.time.ZonedDateTime cannot be cast to java.time.YearMonth. This is not a bug with Pyze. (#30)



  • totalMileage is given in kilometres.

Available data is inconsistent

HVAC status

Data is inaccurate

  • I've never seen hvacStatus be anything other than off, even when preconditioning is in progress.

Lock status

Endpoint is unimplemented

  • This endpoint returns 501: Not Implemented. It's unclear if an implementation of this endpoint will be made available.


Endpoint is unimplemented