These are my dotfiles. Like pretty much all dotfiles, they are largely stolen from other, smarter people. Let me know if you find them useful or if you have any suggestions for how they could be improved!
First start by cloning this repo into your home directory.
cd ~
git clone
Then symlink the files that don't require alteration
ln -s ~/Dotfiles/zshrc ~/.zshrc
ln -s ~/Dotfiles/init.lua ~/.config/nvim/init.lua
ln -s ~/Dotfiles/lua/ ~/.config/nvim/
ln -s ~/Dotfiles/gitignore_global ~/.gitignore_global
ln -s ~/Dotfiles/gitattributes ~/.gitattributes
ln -s ~/Dotfiles/irbrc ~/.irbrc
ln -s ~/Dotfiles/gemrc ~/.gemrc
ln -s ~/Dotfiles/pryrc ~/.pryrc
ln -s ~/Dotfiles/asdfrc ~/.asdfrc
ln -s ~/Dotfiles/default-gems ~/.default-gems
And copy and edit the files that do require alteration
cp ~/Dotfiles/gitconfig ~/.gitconfig
My dotfiles have a few dependencies. Most of these can be installed with homebrew.
To install these dependencies with homebrew cd
into the Dotfiles directory and
type brew bundle
. You can comment out any dependencies you don't want in the
Some of my dotfiles have Ruby gem dependencies. If you have a working ruby
version running locally you can install these by running bundle install
this directory.
Below I've included some instructions for setup specific to individual dotfiles.
I use oh-my-zsh. You'll need to install oh-my-zsh for my zshrc config to work. To download it see the instructions on the oh-my-zsh github page.
To install the vim packages first install vim-plug.
Then inside vim run :PackerInstall
I'm using mason.nvim to install linting packages. To view the available linting packages run in vim :Mason
. This will bring up a window of the various libraries you can install. Then to install one run something like :MasonInstall black
You'll need to replace <YOUR NAME>
with your name and
For a terminal I use iTerm2. I've included an iTerm theme that matches my vim theme in this repo for ease. This file is the Jellybeans.itermcolors file. See iTerm2 documentation on how to setup this theme.
In order to enable powerline fonts you'll want to enable the option here in iterm.