🚧 This repository is still under construction. 🚧
Please feel free to explore and contribute, but note that there may be frequent changes.
This package requires Rust and Cargo to compile native extensions. Please ensure you have Rust installed before proceeding.
Install Rust: Visit rustup.rs and follow the instructions to install Rust. This installation will also include Cargo, Rust’s package manager.
Verify Cargo Installation: Open your terminal and run:
cargo --version
You should see the Cargo version output, which confirms that Cargo is installed and accessible.
To install CellMapFlow, you can use pip:
pip install cellmap-flow
Note that the basic installation does not include DaCapo and BioImage.io core dependencies. To install CellMapFlow with DaCapo support, use the following command:
pip install cellmap-flow[dacapo]
To install CellMapFlow with BioImage.io support, use the following command:
pip install cellmap-flow[bioimage]
To install CellMapFlow with both DaCapo and BioImage.io support, use the following command:
pip install cellmap-flow[dacapo,bioimage]
$ cellmap_flow
Usage: cellmap_flow [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
To use Dacapo run the following commands:
cellmap_flow dacapo -r my_run -i iteration -d data_path
To use custom script
cellmap_flow script -s script_path -d data_path
To use bioimage-io model
cellmap_flow bioimage -m model_path -d data_path
bioimage Run the CellMapFlow server with a bioimage-io model.
dacapo Run the CellMapFlow server with a DaCapo model.
script Run the CellMapFlow server with a custom script.
Currently available:
This enables using any model by providing a script e.g. example/model_spec.py e.g.
cellmap_flow script -s /groups/cellmap/cellmap/zouinkhim/cellmap-flow/example/model_spec.py -d /nrs/cellmap/data/jrc_mus-cerebellum-1/jrc_mus-cerebellum-1.zarr/recon-1/em/fibsem-uint8/s0
Define these variables in your script (cellmap_flow script -s path/to/your_script.py
- model: The PyTorch model to be used for inference.
- read_shape: The voxel shape of the data to be input to the PyTorch model.
- write_shape: The voxel shape of the data in output by the PyTorch model.
- block_shape:
The shape of the block output by the PyTorch model (i.e.
(*write_shape, output_channels)
). - input_voxel_size: The voxel size of the data input to the model.
- output_voxel_size: The voxel size of the data output by the model.
- output_channels: The number of channels in the output of the model.
- process_chunk (optional): (Optional) A function that takes an ImageDataInterface and an ROI and returns the data to be display. This can be used to run a TensorFlow model or do other custom data processing.
which enable inference using a Dacapo model by providing the run name and iteration number e.g.
cellmap_flow dacapo -r 20241204_finetune_mito_affs_task_datasplit_v3_u21_kidney_mito_default_cache_8_1 -i 700000 -d /nrs/cellmap/data/jrc_ut21-1413-003/jrc_ut21-1413-003.zarr/recon-1/em/fibsem-uint8/s0
still in development
To run TensorFlow models, we suggest installing TensorFlow via conda: conda install tensorflow-gpu==2.16.1
cellmap_flow_multiple --script -s /groups/cellmap/cellmap/zouinkhim/cellmap-flow/example/model_spec.py -n script_base --dacapo -r 20241204_finetune_mito_affs_task_datasplit_v3_u21_kidney_mito_default_cache_8_1 -i 700000 -n using_dacapo -d /nrs/cellmap/data/jrc_ut21-1413-003/jrc_ut21-1413-003.zarr/recon-1/em/fibsem-uint8/s0
Currently only supporting data locating in /nrs/cellmap or /groups/cellmap because there is a data server already implemented for them.