Virute is super simple server setup. It offers a zero downtime deployment system with support for Composer, NPM etc. and with one command you can create an app with git deployment, domain & MySQL database.
Note: The server setup is heavy based on the awesome Vaprobash
Ubuntu Trusty v14 x64. It's designed for and is probably best to use a fresh VM. The installer will install everything it needs.
Please ensure you have set up your ssh keys, like so:
$ cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh [user]@[ip-address] "cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"
If you plan to use the server ssh on non-standard port (not 22) then on your local machine set this port for git:
$ nano ~/.ssh/config
Host [ip-address]
Port [port]
You can install Virtue directly on your server like so:
$ curl -s -L | bash -s [mysql-user] [mysql-password] [mysql-remote] [php-verson] [http-server] [server-user]
Please complete the variables in the brackets, examples below. The install may take around 5 minutes.
[mysql-remote] true|false
[php-verson] latest|previous|distributed (5.6|5.5|5.4)
[http-server] apache|nginx
$ curl -s -L | bash -s root pass1234 true latest apache root
Usher is Virtue's counterpart. It acts as management tool for your Mac or Linux system. You can built servers, deploy apps etc. from your local terminal. To install open your terminal and run:
$ curl -s -L > /usr/local/bin/usher && sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/usher
Lets build our first server, you can see the different options above.
$ usher server:create [server-name] [ssh] [mysql-user] [mysql-password] [mysql-remote] [php-verson] [http-server]
Please complete the variables in the brackets, examples below. The install may take around 5 minutes.
$ usher server:create my-server root@ root pass1234 true latest apache root
You can also add a Virtue server to Usher after its been created directly by:
$ usher server:add [server-name] [ssh]
Let's start by creating your app:
$ usher app:create [server-name] [app-name] [domain] [git-remote]
Example below:
$ usher app:create my-server my-app
You can deploy your app like so:
$ usher app:deploy [server-name] [app-name] [branch]
Example below:
$ usher app:deploy my-server my-app master
Note: Please make sure your Server has access to the repo, to find out the servers SSH key see below
$ usher server:key [server-name]
It's important to understand how Virtue deploys sites. Each deploy in pulled into a {app}/releases/{timestamp}
and once everything is ready it's symbolic linked to {app}/current
. This is great for allowing zero downtime between deploys however it poses a problem with persistent storage.
To handle persistent storage, folder permissions and any commands like composer install
or npm install
. Your app needs a deploy.json
, see example:
"commands": [
"composer install",
"npm install",
"gulp build"
"storage": {
"public/content/uploads": 775,
"public/content/plugins": 775
"permissions": {
"public/.htaccess": 644
If a command like composer install
fails then release will not be set live.
If you make mistake an deploy bad code you can rollback to previous release by:
$ usher app:rollback [server-name] [app-name]
As you'll deploy and rollback more often than most commands they have shortcut along with syntax, to explain this better here are some examples:
$ usher deploy my-app live master
$ usher deploy my-app dev develop
$ usher rollback my-app dev
To add these app based servers like live
and dev
you run:
$ usher app:server [server-name] [app-name] [ssh]
Example below:
$ usher app:server live my-app root@
$ usher app:server dev my-app root@
You can easily edit an app's .env file
$ usher env my-app live
You can link any domain to an app:
$ usher app:link [server-name] [app-name] [domain]
Or if you need to unlink a domain:
$ usher app:unlink [server-name] [app-name] [domain]
You can update the git remote for an app:
$ usher app:git [server-name] [app-name] [git-remote]
You can delete an app:
$ usher app:delete [server-name] [app-name]
You can add either add certs or generate self-signed:
$ usher app:ssl [server-name] [app-name] [domain] [path]
For self-signed:
$ usher app:ssl my-server my-app self-sign
Or provide path to certs on the server
$ usher app:ssl my-server my-app my/path/on/server/to/certs