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browntj16 committed Apr 30, 2024
1 parent d0cf7df commit 8927090
Showing 1 changed file with 91 additions and 45 deletions.
136 changes: 91 additions & 45 deletions src/App.tsx
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Expand Up @@ -18,16 +18,15 @@ import { G, an } from "vitest/dist/reporters-MmQN-57K.js";
* v0 by Vercel.
* @see
* Documentation:
* @author Tanner Brown
* This has changed a lot since I've made it so let me redo the documentation. Renders a card with onclick/onhover functionality. "state" is poorly named.
* @returns Returns a card component
* @param cardName: the actual name of the card, cardText: the description of the text on the card,
* actionCost: the cost of the card, landscapeType: the type of landscape that the card needs,
* imagePath: the location of the image for the card. this is made for spell/building cards
* @param card: the card to render. state: sets the summoning buttons state to a number that makes it true or something. setHover: changes state on the hover useState.
* essentially, it just makes the magnified card the hovered card. currentplayer: the current player (needed for making events turn exclusive). ownerPlayer: the
* player the cards are assigned to. phase: current turn phase. needed for making events phase exclusive
function CardComponent({
Expand All @@ -43,14 +42,16 @@ function CardComponent({
phase: number
}) {
function handleClick(){
//in future, if we add spells/buildings again there should be an if statement for activating those
if(card instanceof Creature){
// if the card being clicked belongs to the current turn player
// if the current phase is the main phase
//why did i make this a number instead of a boolean? am i stupid or something?


// mark pos of hand
// else if (card instanceof Building){
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -85,10 +86,14 @@ function CardComponent({

* @author Tanner Brown
* I spoke about this in my documentation on the CreatureComponentOnBoard component. Check there for why this is a thing
* @param param0
* @returns
function CardComponentOnBoard({
}: {
card: Card | Creature;
Expand All @@ -115,14 +120,6 @@ function CardComponentOnBoard({
<div className="flex-1 p-4 grid gap-2">
<h2 className="text-lg font-bold tracking-tight">{}</h2>
<p className="text-sm line-clamp-3">{card.flavorText}</p>
<div className="text-xs">
AC: {card.getCost()} Type: {card.landscapeType}{" "}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -172,7 +169,12 @@ function CreatureComponent({

* Kinda dumb, but since cards on board have different function than ones in hand I felt this was necessary. Currently, this just is the other creature/card
* component but without triggering summoning buttons
* @param param0
* @returns
function CreatureComponentOnBoard({
card, setHover
}: {
Expand All @@ -190,12 +192,18 @@ return (

* @author Tanner Brown
* So basically this is the markup that sits on the left of the screen. If its null (ie. no one has hovered a card yet) then its blank. However, if a card
* (whether it be field or hand) is hovered we show it here. It's essentially a magnified version of the card so you don't have to break out the reading glasses
* to read a card.
* @param param0
* @returns
function HoverCard({card}: {card: Creature}){
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -236,8 +244,11 @@ function HoverCard({card}: {card: Creature}){
* @author Tanner Brown
* Displays card shape with a number on it indicating how many cards are in the pile. This one has onclick to allow player to draw
* @returns returns markup displaying what i wrote just above
* @param player: the player whom the deck belongs to. resetState: state to cause re-render. reset: variable necessary for determining re-render.
* log: the log. needed for if player cannot draw anymore and game must tell player as such. setLog: useState for re-rendering log. game: the game object
function Deck({ player, resetState, reset, log, setLog, game}: { player: Player, resetState: any, reset: number, log: any, setLog: any, game: Game}) {
function handleDraw() {
Expand All @@ -248,10 +259,7 @@ function Deck({ player, resetState, reset, log, setLog, game}: { player: Player,


return (
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -284,12 +292,15 @@ function DiscardPile({ size }: { size: number }) {
* Creates markup that displays players hand
* @author Tanner Brown
* @returns Array of CardComponents/CreatureComponents
* @returns a rendered hand of cards\
* @param playerHand: the actual hand we'll render. stateChange: another poorly named variable? what was i thinking? anyways this is the statechange for letting
* the summoning buttons appear. currentPlayer: the current player. needed for turn exclusivity reasons. ownerPlayer: the player who owns the cards in hand.
* phase: the current turn phase. needed for exclusivity reasons. setHover: statechange for magnifying cards.
function HandOfCards({ playerHand, stateChange, currentPlayer, ownerPlayer, phase, setHover}:
{ playerHand: Card[], stateChange: React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<number>>, currentPlayer: Player, ownerPlayer: Player, phase: number, setHover: any}) {
let shownHand = [];

//create players hand
for (let i = 0; i < playerHand.length; i++) {
let currentCard = playerHand[i];
if (currentCard instanceof Creature) {
Expand All @@ -304,6 +315,8 @@ function HandOfCards({ playerHand, stateChange, currentPlayer, ownerPlayer, phas

//not really relevant anymore since back-end axed spells/buildings, but in case we have time and they re-implement them i see no reason to remove this
// else statement. currently does not execute
} else {
Expand All @@ -322,10 +335,11 @@ function HandOfCards({ playerHand, stateChange, currentPlayer, ownerPlayer, phas

*@author Tanner Brown
* Board loops through the board (the actual array that keeps track of the board) to display each
* creature, building in the array inside of each landscape inside of a larger board.
* @returns markup that displays the board.
* @param game: the actual game object. board: the board from the game. why do i pass this as a parameter even? setHover: magnify the cards when hovered.
function Board({ game, board, setHover}: { game: Game, board: SidedBoard, setHover: any}) {
let p1Board = [];
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -375,9 +389,12 @@ function Board({ game, board, setHover}: { game: Game, board: SidedBoard, setHov
* @author Tanner Brown
* This method will take in a Creature and building from a given "landscape card" from the backend. This will
* then dynamically render them inside of the landscape.
* @returns markup that displays a landscape box with building and creature optionally inside
* @param creature: the creature in the landscape. player: the player. needed for dynamic css reasons. landscape color: the landscape type. setHover: magnify cards
* when hovered oooooh so cool
function LandscapeCard({
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -416,11 +433,14 @@ function LandscapeCard({

* @author Tanner Brown
* Man I really should've updated my documentation as I went instead of putting it off. My fingers are getting TIRED. Anyways,
* Block that shows players hp, username, and actions
* @param game object (probably temporarily) and a player id (0 or 1)
* @param player: gotta know which player we rendering
* @returns markup that shows what I just wrote above
function PlayerDisplay({ game, player }: { game: Game; player: Player }) {
function PlayerDisplay({player }: {player: Player }) {
return (
<div className={"player_display player_"}>
<div className="flex flex-col">
Expand All @@ -446,19 +466,21 @@ function getDemoPlayer(player: Player) {
player.hand.push(get("Dark Angel")!);
* @author Tanner Brown
* This is like the big daddy of the components. This makes up pretty much the entire game. Shows players board, hp, hands, etc etc.
* How very descript me from a few weeks ago. Anyways yeah this is where everything goes on. We manage state here and stuff. I don't
* think a paragraph of documentation is fit for the massive wall of text that this component is so I'll just document as we go, okay?
* @returns Markup to display the game
* @param game: the game object we're rendering. setBegin: when we set this as true the game ends and we go backto deck select screen
function GameBoard({ game, setBegin }: { game: Game, setBegin: any}) {
// grab our players. a lot of components need this guys as parameters
let player1 = game.getPlayerById(0);
let player2 = game.getPlayerById(1);

let hand1 = player1.hand;
let hand2 = player2.hand;

let board = game.board

// same for him
let board = game.board;
const [turn, setTurn] = useState(game.currentTurn); //good
const [phase, setPhase] = useState(game.turnPhase); //good
Expand All @@ -470,7 +492,9 @@ function GameBoard({ game, setBegin }: { game: Game, setBegin: any}) {

let buttons1 = (<></>)
let buttons2 = (<></>)
//only in main phase can we summon
//Anyways, if we're summoning a card then these buttons need to render (for player 1 or two depending). otherwise they'll stay empty
buttons1 = <SummoningButtons playerid={0} cardPos ={summoningCard} setSummonState={setSummoningCard}
Expand All @@ -482,6 +506,7 @@ function GameBoard({ game, setBegin }: { game: Game, setBegin: any}) {
//if we're in battle phase then we need to render the attacking buttons
else if(phase==1){
buttons1 = <AttackingButtons player={player1} game={game} setBegin={setBegin} reset={reset} resetState={setReset} ></AttackingButtons>
Expand All @@ -491,6 +516,7 @@ function GameBoard({ game, setBegin }: { game: Game, setBegin: any}) {

// you should probably just ignore this. its probaly not important. forget you ever saw it
let dumbStupidVariable = <></>
Expand All @@ -503,23 +529,27 @@ function GameBoard({ game, setBegin }: { game: Game, setBegin: any}) {
<div className="flex justify-center items-center h-screen p-4">
{/*buttons2 are summoning buttons */}
{/*Gonna need to comment much of this just so we're aware of what is happening in some of these.*/}
{/*This div is a row that shows a players stats and then their hand of cards*/}
<div className="flex flex-col justify-center items-center gap-4">
{/*rendered in a seperate div so they'll be in a row*/}
<div className="flex flex-row justify-center items-center">
<HandOfCards playerHand={hand2} stateChange={setSummoningCard} currentPlayer={currentPlayer} setHover={setHoverCard} ownerPlayer={player2} phase={phase}></HandOfCards>
<HandOfCards playerHand={player2.hand} stateChange={setSummoningCard} currentPlayer={currentPlayer} setHover={setHoverCard} ownerPlayer={player2} phase={phase}></HandOfCards>
{/*This div pretty large. It's where discard piles, decks, and the actual board goes*/}
<div className="flex flex-row justify-center items-center gap-4">
{/*This column shows a deck and discard pile*/}

{/*the magnified card*/}
<HoverCard card={hoverCard}></HoverCard>
{/*This column shows a deck and discard pile*/}
<div className="flex flex-col gap-10">
<PlayerDisplay game={game} player={player2}></PlayerDisplay>
<PlayerDisplay player={player2}></PlayerDisplay>
<Deck player={player2} reset={reset} resetState={setReset} log={log} game={game} setLog={setLog}></Deck>
<DiscardPile size={5}></DiscardPile>
Expand All @@ -531,7 +561,7 @@ function GameBoard({ game, setBegin }: { game: Game, setBegin: any}) {
<div className="flex flex-col gap-10">
<DiscardPile size={5}></DiscardPile>
<Deck player={player1} reset={reset} resetState={setReset} game={game} setLog={setLog} log={log}></Deck>
<PlayerDisplay game={game} player={player1}></PlayerDisplay>
<PlayerDisplay player={player1}></PlayerDisplay>
{/*This column shows the game log text bot and the button for moving phases below it*/}
<div className="flex flex-col justify-center items-center gap-20">
Expand All @@ -556,19 +586,27 @@ function GameBoard({ game, setBegin }: { game: Game, setBegin: any}) {
<div className="flex flex-row justify-center items-center">
<HandOfCards playerHand={hand1} stateChange={setSummoningCard} setHover={setHoverCard} currentPlayer={currentPlayer} ownerPlayer={player1} phase={phase}></HandOfCards>
<HandOfCards playerHand={player1.hand} stateChange={setSummoningCard} setHover={setHoverCard} currentPlayer={currentPlayer} ownerPlayer={player1} phase={phase}></HandOfCards>

* @author Tanner Brown
* I always thought it was weird that common practice was to put an author on these. Like, I get its so down the line someone can call you up and be like
* "why does your code suck?", but I can't shake the feeling like I'm a child writing my name on my toys so no one else can play with them.
* Anyways, summoning buttons are the buttons that render when we're summoning a card. 4 buttons show up; one for each zone.
* @param cardPos: the position in hand the card we're summoning is. game: the game object. setSummonState: the state that controls when the buttons are rendering.
* marked -1 to make buttons disappear after we summon. playerid: the id of the player who will be summoning the card. log/setLog: the log the game keeps
* and the function to update it
* @returns markup for summoning buttons
function SummoningButtons({cardPos, game, setSummonState, playerid, log, setLog}: {cardPos: number, game: Game, setSummonState: any,
board: any, playerid: number, log: any, setLog: any}){
function handle(boardPos: number, playerid: number){
let name = game.summonCardFromHand(playerid,boardPos, cardPos)
setLog([...log, <div>{game.getPlayerById(playerid).username} summoned the "{name}" at zone {boardPos+1}</div>])
Expand All @@ -590,6 +628,14 @@ function SummoningButtons({cardPos, game, setSummonState, playerid, log, setLog

* @author Tanner Brown
* These are the buttons that show up during battle phase and let you attack. if an attack kills the opponent then we alert and reset the game
* @param player: the player who will be attacking. game: the game object. reset/setReset: variable and function for controlling re-render. setbegin: need this
* to return to deck select screen
* @returns mark up for attacking buttons
function AttackingButtons({player, game, reset, resetState, setBegin}: {player: Player, game: Game, reset: number, resetState: any, setBegin: any}){
let playerid =;

Expand Down

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