Generates a figurecaption each Image which stands alone in a paragraph, similar to pandoc’s handling of images/figures
Licensed under the GPL 2 (see
Copyright 2015 - Jan Dittrich by building upon the markdown-figures Plugin by Copyright 2013 - Helder Correia (GPL2)
Example – this source:
Bla bla bla

Next paragraph starts here
would generate this:
<p> Bla bla bla</p>
<img src="">
<figcaption>this is the caption</figcaption>
<p>Next paragraph starts here</p>
It can also handle images that use references and/or titles :
Some really good writing.
![Description of something cool.][ref1]
More great writing.
[ref1]: "A title for the cool image."
would generate this:
<p>Some really good writing.</p>
<figure><img alt="Description of something cool." src="" title="A title for the cool image."><figcaption>Description of something cool.</figcaption>
<p>More great writing.</p>