- This tool is for staying in sync on 1+ systems with various team projects that depend upon:
Command-line binaries, like git.
Python3 modules, which we manage with pip3.
The code projects themselves.
- To avoid the burden of maintaining stable, current and tested across 1+ systems:
Command-line binaries, like git.
Python3 modules, which we manage with pip3.
The code projects themselves.
- Clone this repo to each system you own.
$ mkdir -p ~/projects; cd ~/projects
$ git clone
- Note: If you are on linux or windows, then simply replace package manager name 'brew' with either 'apt-get' or 'scoop', respectively in the main script.
cp brew-pip3-update-merge-test.sh retooled-pkg-mgr-pip3-update-merge-test.sh
Create a github.com free public repo to manage your own systems.
Using the github url of that new remote project:
$ git remote rename origin upstream
- Add tests to support proper testing