Ruby on Rails Continious Deployemnt ecosystem to maintain projects without losing your mind. Automatization scripts and services integrations which make your product world class level with no effort!
Allow for Remote Distributed Teams to Work with Automotized Delivery
More details could be found in such posts:
- How to Setup a Project That Can Host Up to 1000 Users for Free
- Our Default Ruby Development Stack
- Heroku Reviews Apps prevent delivering bugs on production
- Effortless Code Conventions Review for Pull Request Changes
Pre-setup for service
- GitHub
- GitHub Actions
- Heroku (Heroku Reviews Apps)
- CircleCI
- Codecov and Simplecov
- Dependabot
- Code Styles:
To install remotely:
rails app:template LOCATION=
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'jt_tools', groups: [:development], github: 'jetthoughts/jt_tools'
And then execute:
$ bundle
$ bin/rails jt_tools:install
Setup and update all tools required to maintain static code analysis
Auto-review on GitHub opened Pull Rquests to follow code consistency
Check locally all problems in the current branch changes
bin/pronto run
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.