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Releases: jillesvangurp/json-dsl


16 Jan 12:04
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Add some pom meta data


19 Dec 12:11
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address small issue with numbers in toJsObject() they are now converted to Double because otherwise they come out as weird json objects instead of simple numbers for some types.


12 Dec 14:06
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  • add toJsObject() extension function that can be used in kotlin-js. Great for use with any npm library that needs complex js objects as a parameter. Like Vega.

misc build and dependency updates

28 Oct 08:30
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  • update dependencies
  • fix jvm target
  • fix ios simulator target

Wasm support

11 May 07:39
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Now that kotest has released, we can add wasm support finally.

No wasmWasi support yet though.

Change groupid

16 Mar 14:59
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This version is functionally identical to 1.1.

So, why the major jump to 3.0?

JsonDsl used to be a part of my kt-search project where it was released under the 2.x release. After extracting it, I foolishly changed the group id to com.github.jillesvangurp and released it as a 1.x release. This turned out to be confusing and after chasing some classpath issues resulting from having both 2.x and 1.x on the classpath with different group ids but identical package and classnames, I decided to fix it.

So 3.0 fixes that and is clearly newer than 2.x or 1.x. Sorry for the confusion.


17 Feb 14:47
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  • Adds YAML support so you can now also drive YAML DSLs with this library.
  • Support sequences and iterators

1.0 release

17 Feb 11:26
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This project was part of kt-search before this release. Relative to that there have been a few minor fixes. Additionally, I added lots of documentation.