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The "contributions" folder contains Coq files that eventually leads to different formal proofs of the theorem type sort_prog
Theorem sort_prog : forall (l : list nat), {l' : list nat | sorted l' /\ permutation l' l}.
NOTE: The original and full documentation of formalization of different variations of divide-and-conquer algorithm design paradigm for lists and the different sorting algorithms' proofs and programs can be found on
The following are the dependencies between the Coq files that lead to different proofs of the theorem type sort_prog
Edge: Type
Node (black): Contribution from human prover
Node (green): Contribution from AI System (CoqHammer)
- Insertion Sort:
- Merge Sort:
- Pair Sort:
- Quick Sort:
Additional contributions/Coq files that are not included in any of the images above:
ct04.v: Formalization of new induction princple/tactic div_conq_split
ct11.v: Connect all the dependent contributions of the proof via induction
and extract as Ocaml programs (insert_prog, isort_prog)
ct16.v: Formalization of new induction princple/tactic div_conq_pair
ct18.v: Connect all the dependent contributions of the proof via div_conq_split
and extract as Ocaml programs (merge, msort_prog)
ct21.v: Connect all the dependent contributions of the proof via div_conq_pair
and extract as Ocaml programs (psort_prog)
ct22.v: Formalization of new induction princple/tactic div_conq_pivot
ct26.v: Connect all the dependent contributions of the proof via div_conq_pivot
and extract as Ocaml programs (qsort_prog)
Coq Version 8.12
OCaml [most versions will work] (if you would like to test the extracted files)
Just need to install coq-hammer-tactics:
$ opam repo add coq-released $ opam install coq-hammer-tactics
- Go to the "coq-chain" folder.
- Run the Makefile in terminal with the following command:
$ make
- To test the extracted files, run the following command in terminal:
$ make test_extraction
NOTE: To clean all compiled files, run the following command in terminal:
$ make clean