Paper list and resources on machine learning for brain image (e. g. fMRI and sMRI) analysis.
Contributed by Jinlong Hu, Yuezhen Kuang and Lijie Cao.
- Survey
- Resting-state fMRI (voxel)
- Resting-state fMRI (region) : Special issue
- Task fMRI
- sMRI and others
- Special diseases: Parkinson, Autism, Depression
- Dataset
- Other algorithms: Multiview learning
Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis
- Dinggang Shen, et al. 2017.
Applications of Deep Learning to MRI Images: A Survey
- Jin Liu, et al. 2018.
- paper
A Comprehensive Survey on Graph Neural Networks
- Zonghan Wu, et al. 2019.
- paper
- 中文解读
- More graph neural networks (GNN) papers, see GNN-paper-list
Machine learning studies on major brain diseases: 5-year trends of 2014–2018
- paper, 2018
Machine Learning for Predicting Cognitive Diseases: Methods, Data Sources and Risk Factors
- paper, 2018
Adaptive Sparse Learning for Neurodegenerative Disease Classification
- paper, 2017
- Brain Connectivity Dynamics issue, NeuroImage, October 2018
Deep Learning in Medical Imaging: fMRI Big Data Analysis via Convolutional Neural Networks
- Amirhessam Tahmassebi,et al. 2018.
deep learning of resting state networks from independent component analysis
- Yiyu Chou,et al. 2018.
Learning Neural Markers of Schizophrenia Disorder Using Recurrent Neural Networks
- Jumana Dakka, et al. 2017.
Using deep learning to investigate the neuroimaging correlates of psychiatric and neurological disorders: Methods and applications
- Sandra Vieira, et al. 2017.
using resting state functional mri to build a personalized autism diagnosis system
- Omar Dekhil, et al. ISBI 2018.
Whole Brain fMRI Pattern Analysis Based on Tensor Neural Network
- XIAOWEN XU, et al. 2018.
2-channel convolutional 3d deep neural network (2cc3d) for fmri analysis: asd classification and feature learning
- Xiaoxiao Li, et al. ISBI 2018.
Brain Biomarker Interpretation in ASD Using Deep Learning and fMRI
- Xiaoxiao Li, et al. 2018.
The Unsupervised Hierarchical Convolutional Sparse Auto-Encoder for Neuroimaging Data Classification
- Xiaobing Han, et al. 2015.
Learning Neural Markers of Schizophrenia Disorder Using Recurrent Neural Networks
- Jumana Dakka, et al. 2017.
Classification of Alzheimer’s Disease Using fMRI Data and Deep Learning Convolutional Neural Networks
- Saman Sarraf, Ghassem Tofighi 2016.
Deep learning for neuroimaging: a validation study
- Sergey M. Plis, 2014.
The Unsupervised Hierarchical Convolutional Sparse Auto-Encoder for Neuroimaging Data Classification
- Xiaobing Han, et al. 2015.
- 自动编码器,ADHD-200,ADNI数据
Group-wise Sparse Representation Of Resting-state fMRI Data For Better Understanding Of Schizophrenia
- Lin Yuan, et al. 2017.
Neuroscience meets Deep Learning
- Dhruv Nathawani, et al.
- CNN, CMU 2008数据
Brain Age Prediction Based On Resting-state Functional Connectivity Patterns Using Convolutional Neural Networks
- Hongming Li
- 3D, t-SNE结果分析
Voxelwise 3D Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks for Epilepsy and Depression Diagnostics from Structural and Functional MRI Data
- Marina Pominova, et al. 2018.
Automatic Recognition of fMRI-derived Functional Networks using 3D Convolutional Neural Networks
- Yu Zhao, et al. 2017.
3D CNN Based Automatic Diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Using Functional and Structural MRI
- LIANG ZOU, et al. 2017.
3D fully convolutional networks for subcortical segmentation in MRI: A large-scale study
- Jose Dolz, et al. 2016.
- 分割,多个数据集
Multi-Scale 3D Convolutional Neural Networks for Lesion Segmentation in Brain MRI
- Konstantinos Kamnitsas, et al.
3-D Functional Brain Network Classification using Convolutional Neural Networks
- Dehua Ren, et al. 2017.
Modeling 4D fMRI Data via Spatio-Temporal Convolutional Neural Networks (ST-CNN)
- Yu Zhao, et al. 2018.
3D Deep Learning for Multi-modal Imaging-Guided Survival Time Prediction of Brain Tumor Patients
- Dong Nie, et al. 2016.
- 多模态
DeepAD: Alzheimer’s Disease Classification via Deep Convolutional Neural Networks using MRI and fMRI
- Saman Sarraf, et al. 2016.
- 多模态:MRI, fMRI
Multi-tasks Deep Learning Model for classifying MRI images of AD/MCI Patients
- S.Sambath Kumar, et al. 2017.
Retrospective head motion estimation in structural brain MRI with 3D CNNs
- Juan Eugenio Iglesias, et al.
- 识别头部是否移动,提高ABIDE预测准确率。
Transfer learning improves resting-state functional connectivity pattern analysis using convolutional neural networks
- Pál Vakli, et al. 2018.
- fMRI, 迁移学习
Towards Alzheimer’s Disease Classification through Transfer Learning
- Marcia Hon, et al. BIBM 2017.
- 使用迁移学习进行阿兹海默症疾病分类
Deep neural network with weight sparsity control and pre-training extracts hierarchical features and enhances classification performance: Evidence from whole-brain resting-state functional connectivity patterns of schizophrenia
- Junghoe Kim, et al. 2016.
- 俞一云,何良华 2017.
Multi-way Multi-level Kernel Modeling for Neuroimaging Classification
- Lifang He, et al. CVPR 2017.
Spatio-Temporal Tensor Analysis for Whole-Brain fMRI Classication
- Guixiang Ma, et al.
Feature Selection with a Genetic Algorithm for Classification of Brain Imaging Data
- Annamária Szenkovits, et al. 2017.
- 特征选择
Building a Science of Individual Differences from fMRI
- Julien Dubois 2016.
- 从组到个体的研究
Feature fusion via hierarchical supervised local CCA for diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder
- Feng Zhao, et al. 2016.
- 不同特征融合,多模态数据
Resting State fMRI Functional Connectivity-Based Classification Using a Convolutional Neural Network Architecture
- Regina Júlia Meszlényi, et al. 2017.
- 499个脑区的网络用CNN
Identifying Connectivity Patterns for Brain Diseases via Multi-side-view Guided Deep Architectures
- Jingyuan Zhang, et al. 2016.
Do Deep Neural Networks Outperform Kernel Regression for Functional Connectivity Prediction of Behavior?
Metric learning with spectral graph convolutions on brain connectivity networks -Sofia IraKtena, et al. 2018
Multi Layered-Parallel Graph Convolutional Network (ML-PGCN) for Disease Prediction
- Anees Kazi, Shadi Albarqouni, Karsten Kortuem, Nassir Navab 2018.
- paper
Classifying resting and task state brain connectivity matrices using graph convolutional networks
- Michael Craig, et al.
- paper
Multi-View Graph Convolutional Network and Its Applications on Neuroimage Analysis for Parkinson's Disease
- xi zhang, et al. 2018.
- paper
- 数据:PPMI, DTI
Resting-State Functional Connectivity in Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Review
- Jocelyn V. Hull, et al. 2017.
A Novel Approach to Identifying a Neuroimaging Biomarker for Patients With Serious Mental Illness
- Alok Madan, et al.
Classification of Resting State fMRI Datasets Using Dynamic Network Clusters
- Hyo Yul Byun, et al. 2014
- 动态功能网络聚类
- 唐建,中国计算机学会通讯,2018.03
- 全图嵌入方法
Contributed by Lijie
Spectral Graph Convolutions for Population-Based Disease Prediction 2017.
- 以人为节点构建图,应用GCN半监督学习
Distance Metric Learning using Graph Convolutional Networks: Application to Functional Brain Networks 2017.
- 一个脑作为一幅图,以脑区为节点,应用GCN孪生网络进行度量学习
Disease Prediction using Graph Convolutional Networks: Application to Autism Spectrum Disorder and Alzheimer’s Disease
Multi Layered-Parallel Graph Convolutional Network (ML-PGCN) for Disease Prediction
- 论文3、4、5是在1上改进扩展
Metric Learning with Spectral Graph Convolutions on Brain Connectivity Networks
- 是论文2的扩展,更详细地系统描述
Similarity Learning with Higher-Order Proximity for Brain Network Analysis
- 基于论文6做的改进, 论文7引入了图的高阶信息
Multi-View Graph Convolutional Network and Its Applicationson Neuroimage Analysis for Parkinson’sDisease
- 基于论文6做的改进, 引入了多模态
Graph Saliency Maps through Spectral Convolutional Networks: Application to Sex Classification with Brain Connectivity
- 基于论文6做的改进,使结果可解释
Integrative Analysis of Patient Health Records and Neuroimages via Memory-based Graph Convolutional Network
- 基于论文6做的改进, 引入了多模态
Deep learning of fMRI big data: a novel approach to subject-transfer decoding
- Sotetsu Koyamada, et al. 2015.
Brains on Beats
- Umut Guclu, et al.
- 用DNN测人脑对音乐的反应。
deep learning for brain decoding
- Orhan Firat, et al. 2014.
- 自编码器
Learning Representation for fMRI Data Analysis using Autoencoder
- Suwatchai Kamonsantiroj, et al. 2016.
- 自动编码器, CMU 2008数据
modeling task fMRI data via deep convolutional autoencoder
- Heng Huang, et al. 2017.
- 卷积自动编码器
Learning Deep Temporal Representations for fMRI Brain Decoding
- Orhan Firat, et al. 2015.
Task-specific feature extraction and classification of fMRI volumes using a deep neural network initialized with a deep belief network: Evaluation using sensorimotor tasks
- Hojin Jang, et al. 2017.
- Improving accuracy and power with transfer learning using a meta-analytic database
- Yannick Schwartz, et al. 2012.
- 迁移学习
Alzheimer’s Disease Diagnostics By Adaptation Of 3d Convolutional Network
- Ehsan Hosseini-Asl, et al. 2016.
- 数据:sMRI
Alzheimer’s disease diagnostics by a 3D deeply supervised adaptable convolutional network
- Ehsan Hosseini Asl, et al. 2018.
- 数据:sMRI ADNI, 迁移学习与域适应
Alzheimer's Disease Classification Based on Combination of Multi-model Convolutional Networks
- Fan Li, et al. 2017.
- 使用多个多尺度的3D 卷积自动编码器
- 数据:sMRI (ADNI)
3D CNN-based classification using sMRI and MD-DTI images for Alzheimer disease studies
- Alexander Khvostikov, et al. 2018.
- 数据:sMRI,DTI
Deep MRI brain extraction: A 3D convolutional neural network for skull stripping
- Jens Kleesiek, et al. 2016.
- 数据:sMRI
Predicting Alzheimer’s disease: a neuroimaging study with 3D convolutional neural networks
- Adrien Payan and Giovanni Montana 2015.
- 数据:sMRI
Using structural MRI to identify bipolar disorders – 13 site machine learning study in 3020 individuals from the ENIGMA Bipolar Disorders Working Group
- link
- 数据:sMRI
Sex Differences in the Adult Human Brain: Evidence from 5216 UK Biobank Participants
- 中文硕士论文,2018
- 数据:(ABIDE) sMRI
Automatic Detection Of Cerebral Microbleeds Via Deep Learning Based 3d Feature Representation
- Hao Chen, et al. 2015.
- 数据:SWI
learning representations from eeg with deep recurrent-convolutional neural networks
- Pouya Bashivan, et al. ICLR 2016.
- 数据:EEG
Classification of Clinical Significance of MRI Prostate Findings Using 3D Convolutional Neural Networks
- Alireza Mehrtash, et al.
- 数据:Multi-parametric magnetic resonance imaging (mpMRI), DWI and DCE-MRI modalities
Marginal Space Deep Learning: Efficient Architecture for Detection in Volumetric Image Data
- Florin C. Ghesu, et al.
- 数据:超声,非脑成像,2D到nD
Discriminating cognitive status in Parkinson’s disease through functional connectomics and machine learning
- Alexandra Abós, et al. 2017.
Graph Theoretical Metrics and Machine Learning for Diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease Using rs-fMRI
- Amirali Kazeminejad, et al. 2017.
Joint feature-sample selection and robust diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease from MRI data
- Ehsan Adeli, et al. 2016
Aberrant regional homogeneity in Parkinson’s disease: A voxel-wise meta-analysis of resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging studies
- PingLei Pan, et al. 2016.
Abnormal Spontaneous Brain Activity in Early Parkinson’s Disease With Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Resting-State fMRI Study
- Zhijiang Wang, et al. 2018.
Can neuroimaging predict dementia in Parkinson’s disease?
- Juliette H. Lanskey, et al. 2018.
Classification of Resting-State fMRI for Olfactory Dysfunction in Parkinson’s Disease using Evolutionary Algorithms
- Amir Dehsarvi, et al. 2018.
Decreased interhemispheric homotopic connectivity in Parkinson's disease patients with freezing of gait: A resting state fMRI study
- Junyi Li, et al. 2018.
Model-based and Model-free Machine Learning Techniques for Diagnostic Prediction and Classifcation of Clinical Outcomes in Parkinson’s Disease
- Chao Gao, et al. 2018.
On the Integrity of Functional Brain Networks in Schizophrenia, Parkinson’s Disease, and Advanced Age: Evidence from Connectivity-Based Single-Subject Classification
- Rachel N. Pl€aschke, et al. 2017.
Resting State fMRI: A Valuable Tool for Studying Cognitive Dysfunction in PD
- Kai Li, et al. 2018.
The Parkinson’s progression markers initiative (PPMI) – establishing a PD biomarker cohort
- Kenneth Marek, et al. 2018.
- PPMI 数据描述
Multi-View Graph Convolutional Network and Its Applications on Neuroimage Analysis for Parkinson’s Disease
- paper, 2018
- 多视图,多种DTI的边的建立方法,多个图
A Fully-Automatic Framework for Parkinson’s Disease Diagnosis by Multi-Modality Images
- paper
- sMRI, PET 多模态
Multi-task Sparse Low-Rank Learning for Multi-classification of Parkinson’s Disease
- paper
Parkinson's Disease Diagnosis via Joint Learning from Multiple Modalities and Relations
- paper
- PPMI, 多模态
The Autism Brain Imaging Data Exchange: Towards Large-Scale Evaluation of the Intrinsic Brain Architecture in Autism
- paper
- ABIDE 1 论文
Enhancing studies of the connectome in autism using the autism brain imaging data exchange II
- paper
- ABIDE 2 论文
Predicting autism spectrum disorder using domain-adaptive cross-site evaluation
- Bhaumik R, Pradhan A, Das S, et al., Neuroinformatics, 2018.
- paper
- dataset: ABIDE
Promises, Pitfalls, and Basic Guidelines for Applying Machine Learning Classifiers to Psychiatric Imaging Data, with Autism as an Example
- Pegah Kassraian-Fard, et al., 2016.
- paper
- dataset: ABIDE
Identification of autism spectrum disorder using deep learning and the ABIDE dataset
- Heinsfeld A S, Franco A R, Craddock R C, et al. , 2018
- dataset: ABIDE
- paper
- 算法:深度学习 DNN
Age and Gender Effects on Intrinsic Connectivity in Autism Using Functional Integration and Segregation
- Teague Rhine Henry, Gabriel S. Dichter, and Kathleen Gates, 2017
- dataset: ABIDE
Enhancing the representation of functional connectivity networks by fusing multi‐view information for autism spectrum disorder diagnosis
- Huifang Huang Xingdan Liu Yan Jin Seong‐Whan Lee Chong‐Yaw Wee Dinggang Shen, 2018
- Human brain mapping, February 15, 2019
- dataset: ABIDE
Towards Accurate Personalized Autism Diagnosis Using Different Imaging Modalities: sMRI, fMRI, and DTI
- ElNakieb Y, Ali M T, Dekhil O, et al. 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT).
- 多模态:sMRI, fMRI, DTI
Studying depression using imaging and machine learning methods
- Meenal J. Patel, et al. 2015.
Dynamic Resting-State Functional Connectivity in Major Depression
- Roselinde H Kaiser, et al. 2016.
Detecting Neuroimaging Biomarkers for Depression: A Meta-analysis of Multivariate Pattern Recognition Studies
- Joseph Kambeitz, et al. 2016.
- 其他论文结果收集分析
Depression Disorder Classification of fMRI Data Using Sparse Low-Rank Functional Brain Network and Graph-Based Features
- Xin Wang, et al. 2016.
Biomarker approaches in major depressive disorder evaluated in the context of current hypotheses
- Mike C Jentsch, et al. 2015.
Accuracy of automated classification of major depressive disorder as a function of symptom severity
- Rajamannar Ramasubbu, et al. 2016
Resting-state connectivity biomarkers define neurophysiological subtypes of depression
- Andrew T Drysdale, et al. 2017.
- 亚型
Diagnostic classification of unipolar depression based on restingstate functional connectivity MRI: effects of generalization to a diverse sample
- Benedikt Sundermann, et al. 2017.
Multivariate Classification of Blood Oxygen Level–Dependent fMRI Data with Diagnostic Intention: A Clinical Perspective
- B. Sundermann, et al. 2014.
Identification of depression subtypes and relevant brain regions using a data-driven approach
Human Connectome Project (HCP)
Openfmri & openneuro
Parkinson's Progression Markers Initiative (PPMI)
Autism Brain Imaging Data Exchange (ABIDE)
A Survey on Multi-view Learning
- Chang Xu, Dacheng Tao, Chao Xu 2013
- Paper
Multi-view learning overview: Recent progress and new challenges
- Jing Zhao,Xijiong Xie, Xin Xu, Shiliang Sun 2017
- Paper
Multiview Feature Learning Tutorial @ CVPR 2012
Multiview Feature Learning @ IPAM 2012
On deep multi-view representation learning
- Wang, Weiran, et al. 2015.
Multi-view deep network for cross-view classification
- Kan, Meina, Shiguang Shan, and Xilin Chen 2016.
Multi-view perceptron: a deep model for learning face identity and view representations
- Zhu, Zhenyao, et al. 2014.
A multi-view deep learning approach for cross domain user modeling in recommendation systems
- Elkahky, Ali Mamdouh, Yang Song, and Xiaodong He 2015.
A novel channel-aware attention framework for multi-channel EEG seizure detection via multi-view deep learning
- Yuan, Ye, et al. 2018.
Volumetric and multi-view cnns for object classification on 3d data
- Qi, Charles R., et al. 2016.
Multimodal deep learning
- Ngiam, Jiquan, et al. ICML 2011.
- paper
Multimodal learning with deep boltzmann machines
- Srivastava, Nitish, and Ruslan R. Salakhutdinov NIPS 2012
- paper
Deep multimodal learning: A survey on recent advances and trends
- Ramachandram, Dhanesh, and Graham W. Taylor 2017.
Deep Learning Approaches to Unimodal and Multimodal Analysis of Brain Imaging Data With Applications to Mental Illness
- Calhoun, Vince, and Sergey Plis 2018.
Multimodal neuroimaging feature learning with multimodal stacked deep polynomial networks for diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease
- Shi, Jun, et al. 2018.
Exploring diagnosis and imaging biomarkers of Parkinson's disease via iterative canonical correlation analysis based feature selection
- Liu L , Wang Q , Adeli E , et al. 2018.
- Discussed in lab meeting (LJ Cao).