This docker allow to run kubernetes services on a single container (which is acting both as master and minion).
It contains the following components:
- Ubuntu 14.04
- Last version of Docker
- Supervisor
- Wrapdocker (to support docker in docker)
- Kubernetes from binaries (v0.14.0)
- Etcd from binaries (v2.0.5)
- Go lang (v1.3.3)
Build the image:
docker build -t k8s-ubuntu-singlenode .
then run:
docker run --privileged -t -i --net="host" k8s-ubuntu-singlenode
Or run the image without building:
docker run --privileged -t -i --net="host" jmfiz/k8s-ubuntu-singlenode
All necesary kubernetes services are started, so you can then use kubernetes locally.
##Warning About Disk Usage
A volume its created at /var/lib/docker to host all inner Docker data (images, containers, etc.). When run docker rm volumes are not cleaned up, so disk space could be reduced nesting many Dockers within each other.