For over two decades, Counter-Strike has offered an elite competitive experience, one shaped by millions of players from across the globe. And now the next chapter in the CS story is about to begin. This is Counter-Strike 2. This Docker image contains the dedicated server of the game.
Running using Docker:
$ SRCDS_TOKEN="..." # check
$ docker run -d --name=cs2 -e SRCDS_TOKEN="$SRCDS_TOKEN" -p 27015:27015/tcp -p 27015:27015/udp -p 27020:27020/udp joedwards32/cs2
Running using a bind mount for data persistence on container recreation:
$ mkdir -p $(pwd)/cs2-data
$ chown 1000:1000 $(pwd)/cs2-data # Makes sure the directory is writeable by the unprivileged container user with uid 1000, known as steam
$ SRCDS_TOKEN="..." # check
$ docker run -d --name=cs2 -e SRCDS_TOKEN="$SRCDS_TOKEN" -v $(pwd)/cs2-data:/home/steam/cs2-dedicated/ -p 27015:27015/tcp -p 27015:27015/udp -p 27020:27020/udp joedwards32/cs2
or using docker-compose, see examples:
# Remember to update passwords and SRCDS_TOKEN in your compose file
$ docker compose --file examples/docker-compose.yml up -d cs2-server
You must have at least 40GB of free disk space! See System Requirements.
The container will automatically update the game on startup, so if there is a game update just restart the container.
Minimum system requirements are:
- 2 CPUs
- 2GiB RAM
- 40GB of disk space for the container or mounted as a persistent volume on
Feel free to overwrite these environment variables, using -e (--env):
Note: /
characters in Counter-Strike-related environment variables must be escaped as \/
(e. g. CS2_SERVERNAME="My Server 1\/3
will result in My Server 1/3
in-game). Otherwise, this may cause unexpected behavior during configuration processing
SRCDS_TOKEN="" (Game Server Token from
CS2_SERVERNAME="changeme" (Set the visible name for your private server.)
CS2_CHEATS=0 (0 - disable cheats, 1 - enable cheats)
CS2_SERVER_HIBERNATE=0 (Put server in a low CPU state when there are no players.
0 - hibernation disabled, 1 - hibernation enabled
n.b. hibernation has been observed to trigger server crashes)
CS2_IP="" (CS2 server listening IP address, - all IP addresses on the local machine, empty - IP identified automatically)
CS2_PORT=27015 (CS2 server listen port tcp_udp)
CS2_RCON_PORT="" (Optional, use a simple TCP proxy to have RCON listen on an alternative port.
Useful for services like AWS Fargate which do not support mixed protocol ports.)
CS2_LAN="0" (0 - LAN mode disabled, 1 - LAN Mode enabled)
CS2_RCONPW="changeme" (RCON password)
CS2_PW="" (Optional, CS2 server password)
CS2_MAXPLAYERS=10 (Max players)
CS2_ADDITIONAL_ARGS="" (Optional additional arguments to pass into cs2)
Note: When using CS2_RCON_PORT
don't forget to map the port chosen with TCP protocol (e.g., add -p 27050:27050/tcp
on the docker run
command or add the port to the docker-compose.yml
CS2_GAMEALIAS="" (Game type, e.g. casual, competitive, deathmatch.
CS2_GAMETYPE=0 (Used if CS2_GAMEALIAS not defined. See
CS2_GAMEMODE=1 (Used if CS2_GAMEALIAS not defined. See
CS2_MAPGROUP="mg_active" (Map pool. Ignored if workshop maps are defined.)
CS2_STARTMAP="de_inferno" (Start map. Ignored if workshop maps are defined.)
CS2_BOT_DIFFICULTY="" (0 - easy, 1 - normal, 2 - hard, 3 - expert)
CS2_BOT_QUOTA="" (Number of bots)
CS2_BOT_QUOTA_MODE="" (fill, competitive)
TV_ENABLE=0 (0 - disable, 1 - enable)
TV_PORT=27020 (SourceTV/CSTV port to bind to)
TV_AUTORECORD=0 (Automatically record all games as CSTV demos: 0=off, 1=on)
TV_PW="changeme" (CSTV password for clients)
TV_RELAY_PW="changeme" (CSTV password for relay proxies)
TV_MAXRATE=0 (Max CSTV spectator bandwidth rate allowed, 0 == unlimited)
TV_DELAY=0 (CSTV broadcast delay in seconds)
CS2_LOG="on" ('on'/'off')
CS2_LOG_MONEY=0 (Turns money logging on/off: 0=off, 1=on)
CS2_LOG_DETAIL=0 (Combat damage logging: 0=disabled, 1=enemy, 2=friendly, 3=all)
CS2_LOG_ITEMS=0 (Turns item logging on/off: 0=off, 1=on)
Support for Steam Workshop is experimental!
CS2_HOST_WORKSHOP_MAP="" (Steam Workshop Map ID to load on server start)
CS2_HOST_WORKSHOP_COLLECTION="" (Steam Workshop Collection ID to download)
If a Workshop Collection is set, maps can be selected via rcon. E.g:
ds_workshop_changelevel $map_name
If you want to increase the verbosity of log output set the DEBUG
environment variable:
DEBUG=0 (0=none, 1=steamcmd, 2=cs2, 3=all)
If you break the game through your customisations and want steamcmd to validate and redownload then set the STEAMAPPVALIDATE
environment variable to 1
STEAMAPPVALIDATE=0 (0=skip validation, 1=validate game files)
The container includes two scripts for executing custom actions:
is executed before the CS2 server starts/home/steam/cs2-dedicated/
is executed after the CS2 server stops
When using a persient volume mounted at /home/steam/cs2-dedicated/
you may edit these scripts to perform custom actions, such as enabling metamod.
Alternatively, you may have docker mount files from outside the container to override these files. E.g.:
-v /path/to/
The default configurations for each game mode are stored in /home/steam/cs2-dedicated/game/csgo/cfg/
. For example, the Competitive mode defaults are set by gamemode_competitive.cfg
When using a persistent volume mounted at /home/steam/cs2-dedicated/
, these defaults can be overridden by adding your own settings to gamemode_competitive_server.cfg
// Game Mode Competitive Server Overrides
mp_maxrounds 16 // Shorter games
The container can be instructed to download a extract a Tar Gzip bundle, Tar or Zip archive of configuration files and other customisations from a given URL.
CS2_CFG_URL="" (HTTP/HTTPS URL to fetch a Tar Gzip bundle, Tar or Zip archive of configuration files/mods)
See examples for a correctly formatted Tar Gzip customisation bundle, the same format applies to all archive types.
This container leans heavily on the work of CM2Walki, especially his SteamCMD container image. GG!