A Role to allow Raku objects to be constructed and serialised from/to JSON.
use JSON::Class;
class Something does JSON::Class {
has Str $.foo;
my Something $something = Something.from-json('{ "foo" : "stuff" }');
my Str $json = $something.to-json(); # -> '{ "foo" : "stuff" }'
or with 'opt-in' serialization:
use JSON::Class;
use JSON::OptIn;
class Something does JSON::Class[:opt-in] {
has Str $.foo is json;
has Str $.secret = 'secret';
my Something $something = Something.from-json('{ "foo" : "stuff" }');
my Str $json = $something.to-json(); # -> '{ "foo" : "stuff" }'
This is a simple role that provides methods to instantiate a class from a JSON string that (hopefully,) represents it, and to serialise an object of the class to a JSON string. The JSON created from an instance should round trip to a new instance with the same values for the "public attributes". "Private" attributes (that is ones without accessors,) will be ignored for both serialisation and de-serialisation. The exact behaviour depends on that of JSON::Marshal and JSON::Unmarshal respectively.
If the :skip-null
adverb is provided to to-json
all attributes
without a defined value will be ignored in serialisation. If you need
finer grained control then you should apply the json-skip-null
attribute trait (defined by JSON::Marshal
) to the attributes you
want to skip if they aren't defined (:skip-null
will still have
the same effect though.)
If you don't need prettified, human readable JSON output then you can supply
the :!pretty
adverb to to-json
The JSON::Marshal and JSON::Unmarshal provide traits for controlling the unmarshalling/marshalling of specific attributes which are re-exported by the module.
If your application exposes the marshalled data via, for example, an API, then
you may choose to use the :opt-in
parameter to the role, which will cause only
those attributes that are explicitly marked to be marshalled, avoiding the risk
of inadvertently exposing sensitive data. This is described in more detail in
Assuming you have a working Rakudo installation you should be able to install this with zef :
# From the source directory
zef install .
# Remote installation
zef install JSON::Class
Suggestions/patches are welcomed via github at:
This is free software.
Please see the (LICENCE)[LICENCE] file in the distribution for the details.
© Jonathan Stowe 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021