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A bot that posts RSS feeds to Mastodon via GitHub Actions

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Masto Feed Bot

Masto Feed Bot is a GitHub Action that posts RSS feeds to Mastodon via GitHub Actions workflows.


  1. Go to https://${YOUR_INSTANCE}/settings/applications/new and add a new application.

    • Name it whatever you want.
    • The redirect URI is not important, so you can use urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob.
    • The only permission required is write:statuses.
    • Save it, click on the application link, and grab the access token.
  2. Create a new GitHub repository.

  3. Go to your repository settings at${YOUR_REPO}/settings/secrets/actions/new, and add a new secret with the value of the access token.

  4. Add a file named .github/workflows/mastofeedbot.yml with the following content:

    name: FeedBot
        # This will run every five minutes. Alter it using
        - cron: '*/5 * * * *'  
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
          - name: Generate cache key
            uses: actions/github-script@v6
            id: generate-key
              script: |
                core.setOutput('cache-key', new Date().valueOf())
          - name: Retrieve cache
            uses: actions/cache@v3
              path: ${{ github.workspace }}/mastofeedbot
              key: feed-cache-${{ steps.generate-key.outputs.cache-key }}
              restore-keys: feed-cache-
          - name: GitHub
            uses: 'joschi/mastofeedbot@v1'
              # This is the RSS feed you want to publish
              # Template of status posted to Mastodon (Handlebars)
              template: |
              # Visibility of the posted status (public | unlisted | private | direct)
              status-visibility: public
              # Mark Mastodon status as sensitive content
              sensitive: false
              # This is your instance address
              # This is the secret you created earlier
              api-token: ${{ secrets.MASTODON_ACCESS_TOKEN }}
              # This is a path to the cache file, using the above cache path
              cache-file: ${{ github.workspace }}/mastofeedbot/cache.json
              # The maximum number of posts created on the first run
              initial-post-limit: 10
  5. Commit and publish your changes.

Status template

The status template (status-template) is using Handlebars as template engine.

The action is passing in an instance of FeedData (field feedData) and the current FeedEntry (field item) into the template:

export interface FeedEntry {
  link?: string;
  title?: string;
  description?: string;
  published?: Date;

export interface FeedData {
  link?: string;
  title?: string;
  description?: string;
  generator?: string;
  language?: string;
  published?: Date;
  entries?: Array<FeedEntry>;


  • TypeScript 87.6%
  • JavaScript 12.4%