I am a Full Stack Developer with a degree in Automation Engineering and Mechatronics and four years of experience as a software developer. My expertise lies in JavaScript, Python, and Java, and I have extensive experience in web and mobile development. My frontend development skills include Angular, React, and Vue2, while my backend skills include developing REST APIs using NodeJS, Flask, and Django, along with databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB. I have also worked with serverless functions on Amazon Web Services. I am passionate about technology and always eager to learn more. I am always studying and looking for new ways to improve my skills. I'm a fan of programming, and usually, in my free time, I solve algorithm and data structure problems on platforms like www.leetcode.com, www.hackerrank.com, and www.algoexpert.io.
👉🏻👉🏻 Here you can see my CV: Jose_A_CV.pdf
A faster and more flexible file browser for Linux. It offers rich capabilities such as case sensitivity, regular expression-based search, search by selecting multiple file types, control of the algorithm's depth, and more. Also, it allows the choice of custom files not to be taken into account in the search process to improve the search speed.
stack: NodeJs, Electron, React

A minimal web server implementation based on express architecture uses only built-in node modules like path, http, http2, and fs. The core class is AppServer, which creates an instance of Server calling createServer from node:http and can create a server that implements a http2.0 protocol using node:http2. It listens to incoming requests and, based on the request method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH, HEAD). If the method is not supported, the Server returns a 405 status code with a "Not allowed" response. The mini-express-server library beat the express library running benchmarking test using ab tool and autocanon. Saving in the worsts case (where the API had more than 1000 endpoints) 100 ms in time per request, 146 ms in the long request, having half of the time for completing the test and increasing the capacity of requests per second to 1300 more than express.
stack: NodeJs,TypeScript, JavaScript

A two-wheeled self-balancing robot based on an Arduino micro controller and 12 V DC motors. A logic is implemented on top of a cascaded PID controller to obtain the best performance in speed and tilt control. For the user interface, a mobile application was developed using Ionic.
stack: Ionic, React, Arduino

Angular library for the selection, edition and compression of images in png, jpeg and webp formats This library was generated with Angular CLI version 12.0.0, and support the latest version of angular. Previous versions of this library relied entirely on angular material components. Today it is made with html and css without any extra components. Recently new functionality has been added. More image editing capabilities, initial compression indexing is now available for the first time an more
stack: Angular, JavaScript