A custom implementation of the A3C reinforcement leanring algorithm trained to play Super Mario Bros. It features auto-tuned hyperparameters and custom reward logic to facilitate learning. It is trained in an asynchronous environment of 16 games and has been (as of this writing) trained at 40,000,000 timesteps and consistently completes ~28% of World 1-1 with minimal trouble.
Technologies used:
- PyTorch - tensors, neural networks, optimizers
- stable-retro - environent creation and maintanence
- Gymnasium - environment wrappers
- Stable Baselines3 - vectorization wrappers
- Optuna - auto-tuning hyperparameters
Learning Progression Video: https://youtu.be/KsHRXDaoiB8
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/<your username>/Asynchronous-Advanced-Actor-Critic.git
Create and activate a virtual environment (optional but recommended):
python -m venv venv source venv/bin/activate # On Windows use `venv\Scripts\activate`
Install the required packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Training Your Own Model
- Optimize Hyperparamters (optional)
- Uncomment lines 12-14
- Place a breakpoint at line 14
- Run the debugger
- Copy down best trials values into Hyperparameters in info.py
- If you don't want to optimize the parameters simply uncomment lines 1-15 in info.py and comment out lines 17-31
- Comment out lines 12-14 of main.py
- Comment out line 28 main.py if not already to avoid loading pretrained model weights
- Run the program
- The software automatically saves the models weights and optimizers after training is complete
Load A Pretrained Model
- Uncomment line 28 if not already
- Make sure the filepaths on lines 111-114 of a3c.py match the directories of the intended model in /checkpoints
- Run test.py
Train On A Different Game
- Make sure to load your legally obtained ROM into a stable-retro environment
- Open a command prompt at the directory you ROM is in
- Use command
python3 -m retro.import /path/to/your/ROMs/directory/
- You will see a message with how many games were imported, only compatible ROMS will import. Look here for more info
- Replace the name of the game in the Hyperparameters dictionary in info.py
- Make a custom reward function based off of info
- The reward functionality in the step function of RetroWrapper in helper.py is SMB3 specific.
- In order to train effectively (or at all) you need to give game-specific circumstances custom weights.
- Here's a few steps to see if there's any built-in information to use:
- Place a breakpoint anywhere after a step() function call, line 61 of helper.py is a good one
- Run the debugger
- Check what's returned from step() in "info". These are variables updated everytime step is called
- This info can be used to create done conditions, game goal incentives, lives count, and more
- For example, SMB3 comes with 4 built-in variables: score, lives, hpos (horizontal position), time
- Give numerical values to represent positives/penaltys and add them to the reward variable