Written in C using devkitpro + libnds + maxmod.
Youtube devlog: https://youtu.be/tmKcgSL6wPA?si=uZiMQEB-dOOpAfwF
- Sprite Palette swapping.
- Utilizing all background layers in both tile mode and bitmap mode.
- Saving and loading from a flashcard.
- Scene transition effects.
- Virtual touchscreen buttons.
- Using GRIT to unify the palettes of every background.
- Using different Makefile configurations for backgrounds and sprites.
- Drawing numbers without using fonts.
- Using maxmod with sfx and .it tracker files.
- Using timers.
- Install devkitpro (Tested with 3.0.3), open up its development console on this repository's folder, and run the 'make' command.
- Copy the elevator.nds file into a flashcart or open it up with an emulator. Tested with No$GBA.
m6x11Font by Daniel Linssen https://managore.itch.io/m6x11
Game and port by Juan Cerrone
If you like my work you can follow me here:
- https://www.youtube.com/user/jpcerrone (Music/Programming)
- https://www.instagram.com/juan.cerrone.pixel.art/ (Pixel Art)
- https://open.spotify.com/artist/6H2QtCjF5ANcG7PhiRWNCq?si=3t06lhQ2RVm1r3B7c1vHDA (Spotify)