This avalonia component automatically arranges components on a Grid. It enables putting absolute and relative positioning hints on components in a Grid, which will save a lot of time when you have to rearrange or add things to the grid.
Note: This is an Avalonia port (with minor changes) of Andrew KeepCoding's WinUI3 GridIndexer
- Add nuget package Baksteen.Avalonia.Tools.GridIndexer
- In your Window xaml (containing the Grid you want to autoindex), add a namespace like so
- In your Window csharp file, add using statement
using Baksteen.Avalonia.Tools.GridIndexer;
- In your Window csharp file, after
add a callGridIndexer.RunGridIndexer(this);
- on your Grid child components you can now add absolute or relative positioning properties, e.g.
The following XAML results in the grid below:
<Grid ColumnDefinitions="*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*" RowDefinitions="*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*">
<Label Foreground="Green" ex:GI.Column="0" ex:GI.Row="0">·A</Label>
<Label ex:GI.Column="+1" ex:GI.Row="+1">→↓A</Label>
<Label ex:GI.Column="+1" ex:GI.Row="+1">→↓A</Label>
<Label ex:GI.Column="+1" ex:GI.Row="+1">→↓A</Label>
<Label ex:GI.Column="+1" ex:GI.Row="+1">→↓A</Label>
<Label ex:GI.Column="+1" ex:GI.Row="+1">→↓A</Label>
<Label ex:GI.Column="+1" ex:GI.Row="+1">→↓A</Label>
<Label ex:GI.Column="+1" ex:GI.Row="+1">→↓A</Label>
<Label ex:GI.Column="+1" ex:GI.Row="+1">→↓A</Label>
<Label ex:GI.Column="+1" ex:GI.Row="+1">→↓A</Label>
<Label ex:GI.Column="+1" ex:GI.Row="+1">→↓A</Label>
<Label Foreground="Green" ex:GI.Column="4" ex:GI.Row="6">·B</Label>
<Label ex:GI.Row="+1">↓B</Label>
<Label ex:GI.Row="+1">↓B</Label>
<Label ex:GI.Row="+1">↓B</Label>
<Label ex:GI.Row="+1">↓B</Label>
<Label ex:GI.Column="-1">←B</Label>
<Label ex:GI.Column="-1">←B</Label>
<Label ex:GI.Column="-1">←B</Label>
<Label ex:GI.Row="-1">↑B</Label>
<Label ex:GI.Row="-1">↑B</Label>
<Label ex:GI.Row="-1">↑B</Label>
<Label ex:GI.Row="-1">↑B</Label>
<Label ex:GI.Column="+1">→B</Label>
<Label ex:GI.Column="+1">→B</Label>